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Posts posted by www

  1. The neck plate pad goes between the body and the metal neck plate. I don't think they are absolutely necessary, but the will protect the finish on the body. I wish I had used them on my last Stratocopy! I had indentations on the finish due to pressure of the screws used to tighten the neck to the body. Hope this helps. :D

  2. im currently in the process of building a fretless 4-string with an ebony board... man that stuff is hard as nails! ..

    is it really neccesary to epoxy the board, or is the ebony tough enough as it is?( i use roundwound strings )

    thanks and merry christmas,

    john. :D

    The ebony is plenty hard for fretless, but I think eventually there will be string marks indented on the wood. I don't really know that much though. I just really like the looks of the epoxy finish, and it doesn't look that hard to do!

  3. super glue would make it hard. I guess I'd use the medium if I were to do it that way. Super glue is supposed to be much less of a "tone sink" than epoxy.

    The super thin stuff would sink into the wood more, and harded it up more, rether then create a hardened layer sitting ontop the wood. I personally would prefer the fingerboard wooditself to be hardened up, not just have a layer the could eventually flake or wear off.

    Yew, I would use a saturation system epoxy. Also, the fret board is rediused now, so I would just sand the epoxy to do a final radius.

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