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Posts posted by www

  1. I have two of the Fender copy basses. Both play and sound pretty good, very good for the price! Four piece alder bodies, lacquer finish (with minor flaws); low quality tuners and electronics, stamped bridge. Generally inexpensive parts, but compare it to a MIM Fender, or even a American standard these basses rock. I imagine the guitars are the same, or similar. :D

  2. I've used the vinger and steel wool in a jar idea (let it sit for a few weeks or longer), and it stained the wood nicely. I just wiped it on and buffed it with a clean rag. The plastic inlay was not harmed at all. B)

    I made a big jar to last along time and my dear wife tossed it. :D

  3. I really like the pattern. I think you should try the brass idea. That would look really great inlaid. The pictures don't look that bad, so it's hard to see much in the way of gaps.

    The brass would be a nice divider for the wood. But, that is my opinion and not necessarily what others would do. :D

  4. I sprayed the acryllic directly on the fret board. It may or may not be tough enough, but I won't find out for awhile. The bass won't be finished for awhile unless we get a warm spell.

    As far as poly-It should be plenty tough enough. Go ahead an try it. It can always be sanded off later and epoxy used instead.

    I read a site where they used a thinned epoxy and put a couple of coats on, but they did not mention how the fretboard was reradiused or how or if they polished the epoxy afterward.

    This is all an experiment for me. I'll learn more the more I do it. :D

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