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pour bleeding me

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Posts posted by pour bleeding me

  1. my warmoth neck arrived today..i am pretty satisfied with it..the explorer headstock doesnt really look like an explorer tho..and i got my bridge and tailpiece..and i installed those...and they fit perfectly and are to scale..its all coming together very nicely...the 2 volumes fit and the 3 way toggle fits...only thing left is pickup holes and connector holes..and to attach the neck..thanks guys...just wanted to share

  2. hi..i just got the zakk wylde emg set...(and im very excited) but my set up is going to be 2 volume..and a 3 way toggle..but the pots in the set are a volume and tone pot already connected with a capacitator...and theres two of these...but i just want the two volumes...so can i just cut off the tone pot and the capacitator?or are these pots unusable? thanks..(sorry if this is confusing)

  3. i was thinking of doing a PRS style double cut away Les Paul...but its gonna be like a mix between PRS and Gibson..with a quilted top that is blue with a black backing...and white natural colored binding....(typical PRS right?) it will be an archtop also and a nech through...sound good so far? any ideas or complaints? and about the archtop..how hard is this to do? to figure? to route pickup holes etc?any ideas on doing any of this would be greatly appreciated...thanks...(also i was thinking of using that flame veneering i have on the sides of the body all the way around....so quilt or flame on top...binding..flame on the sides..then just black back...)

    thanks guys...the explorer is coming along too...just thought i would plan in the down time(waiting for parts)

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