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Posts posted by YDoesGodMockMeSo

  1. At this point I really need to know what's on the CD. If there's a copy of Vegetarian Planarian on it, he's soooooo toast.

    I keep saying 'why doesn't someone buy one to have evidence of what exactly he stole other than some pics and MP3s" For now, everyone is assuming the information on this site is the same in that booklet/CD he's selling. But noone can be sure, until they purchase it. And....just leave feedback "Free information @ www.projectguitar.com"

    But nooooo...noone listens to meeeeeee.

  2. can someone point me to those 'flush trim router bits" ?

    the one that makes a copy of the template.

    I see some..but i think they're for the upside down/table routers. Becaus the ball bearing is at the end of the bit..a nd...i dunno

    maybe i'm just confused on how they work?

  3. That's the way so many have done before you and also before the introduction of the router into their wood shead :D

    Actually before the plunge router most people drilled into the wood so the bit could have a place to start anyway.

    You need to do that if your going to use a $19.99 Trim router....

    can you explain more about a trim router? and a regular router? and a plunge router?

    For $20bucks..i might could afford that there trim router.

    HEck..myabe even that $30 router in a couple of weeks

  4. Some miscellaneous information I've just gathered:

    The "email the bidders and tell them it's a rip off" plan won't work. His guitar auctions are private, so you can't see the bidders' email addresses. Clever, but shady and utterly dishonest. There's no valid reason for those auctions to be private, other than the fact that he knows he's doing something wrong.

    Also, check out this page: http://betterbytes.net/internetlistings.htm

    Scroll down to the "miscellaneous library set." He's selling the Lord of the Rings trilogy and 47 books by Stephen King. That's a copyright violation for sure - unless this guy is an authorized bookseller .. which, you know, is likely given his honest and upstanding nature. :D

    i'm saying..just buy a thing..

    in the feedback leave

    "Ripoff. This information is available FREE @ www.projectguitar.com"

    and tell the skateboard ramp guys to do the same.

    And either actually pay for it, to see what exactly is included ..for evidence.

    Or ..don't and take a lil negative feedback. B)

  5. i cant. I have to do it in steps.

    I'm getting enough cash this weekend to buy the body blank.

    I already have a buncha power tools (not the RIGHT ones...but ones that i can hope to make work for this' jigsaw, drills, sander)

    I'm raping my Jackson for its floyd/humbuckers/etc.

    The neck will have to wait til after xmas probably.

    And that I"m outsourcing from a member here. So no tools needed there. ANd he's cheap....i hope :D.

    I did have enough to buy what i needed (for the most part)...but i had to get new brakes installed on my car....so now its baby steps in the guitar building.

  6. That's the way so many have done before you and also before the introduction of the router into their wood shead  :D

    Actually before the plunge router most people drilled into the wood so the bit could have a place to start anyway.

    You need to do that if your going to use a $19.99 Trim router....

    heh ok..

    So..i guess i'll do that.

    But what the hck is that trim router used for?

    I can prolly afford one of those B)

    hmm that 1hp router is pretty cheap......why?

    they're like $70+ around here.

  7. I just cant afford a router.

    Would a drill + wood drill bits + chisel/hammer(?) + sand paper be a substitute?

    Like....i drill away most of the wood, chisel out the rest..and sand it nice?

    like the guy in the Les Paul the hardway tutorial did..but.....sans router to finish it off:



  8. alright i got a lot of it sanded down to the line w/ 60grit and a lil black and decker dremel-esque tool.

    HOWEVER. I wouldn't even imagine how to do it w/ a hunk of Alder or basswood..or hell..mahogony!!

    This is just 1/4" plywood.

    I dunno....any techniques i'm missing?

    Also, the sides can get kinda...rounded i guess?

    Like.. i can get say the top half perfect to the line..but the bottom half kinda buldges or caves in more than the top part.

    know what i mean? Its not straight. I'm thinking I get like that because its only 1/4" thick..and i'm telling myself i'll have more support on the real wood thats 1.5-1.75" thick to keep it straight.

  9. buts he's also ripping off other sites and doesn't want to stop.  have u read his feedback?????

    if anyones says anything bad he's like..."well you can't please everybody"  so that is why we need to put a stop to him.


    and you've already brought it to their attention.

    Let them fight that battle.

    And like I said,

    If people don't read the feedback, and visit the site..

    the deserved to be ripped off. Whethor or not he says "can't please everyone". The site would still be in his feedback. And will be there for quiet awhile.

  10. has anyone just thought of buying one of the things...and in the feedback just say "You can get this information FREE @ www.projectguitar.com"

    He can't do **** about it. And its being polite so Ebay shouldn't remove it.

    And if people aren't smart enough to read feedback before bidding/buying an item...they should get ripped off.

    Not only that, but you also have proof of exactly what is /isn't stolen from here.

  11. well i did a test run on the headstock.

    Because its small enough for me to just reprint on regular paper.

    ANd..the cardboard thing aint gonna work.

    I'll probably end up doing the carbon paper idea.

    What do you use to trace? It doesn't matter right? as long as it provides enough pressure to put the carbon onto the wood right?

    so you just like tape down the paper, and slide a sheet of carbon paper between it and the wood and just trace sections of it at a time?

  12. or glue it onto a piece of plywood, make a template, then use that to cut out the body.

    hmm i thought i replied.


    I did that, with a print out i made on regular paper and taped together.

    But the jigsaw would take up and move the paper and what not.

    So i'm thinking of doing a similar, but w/ cardboard. so i can have more control over the cutout w/ a razor. And then use that as a template to trace around on the wood.

    Though that carbon paper sounds interesting.

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