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Posts posted by VesQ

  1. So, the question is. What´s the longest neck you could do, using straight mahogany without carbon fibre reinforcements ? I see that some manufacturers use 25.5" scale on some guitar models with mahongany neck, but spec lists dont tell me if they used cf rods or not. At least i dont fully trust spec sheets offered by commecial webpages.

  2. Ok, so i just put down a pic what i´ve been up to so far. I though i need to try different pic hosting service. the one i mostly use is restricting me to put up image links.


    Made progress and de-progress with new neck which was scrapped eventually. There were few things i didn´t like about it and made mistake which sealed necks fate. So i´m making third neck for this project.

  3. 1. What size of a body blank should i get that would fit an explorer? (i am not opposed to using scrap from the same blank to make wings for the body, although i would rather 1 solid piece with no joints)

    Body blank I use for my explorer is 12" wide 37" long. I´m making the body out of two pieces

  4. Update... sort of. No pics this time.

    I got it all well thought out or least I thought so. Left some extra length on body pieces so that snipe from thickness planing doesn´t bother me. Also cut the shape which can be glued with ease without any corner jigs. But one thing I forgot .The tear out. Planing causes tear outs for sure in bubinga and mahogany and tearouts dont look good in glue seam.

    All this comes together with top joining method I was about to choose which was making sandwiches and joining them. And if I want sandwiches accurately joined I need them accurately thicknessed.

    I dont want glue seam at butt of the guitar looking like in this picture below.


    Also don´t have any thickness sanding machines at disposal so I´ll just hand sand the surfaces make body and top separate and then join those suckers together. I think I´ve my made decision.

  5. I haven´t done much for the guitar body cause I´m thinking what top joining method is the best. Basically i have 2 options

    A - join bubinga tops on body pieces while they are still apart. only drawback of this method is that how am I able to join body pieces accurately with tops on.

    B - make top and body in separate and then joining them. I probably dont have enough clamps for this.

    Well anyway neck black is almost there. Still needs ears for the headstock though.

    There it is. I think cocobolo fretboard suits the most.


    Progress pics

    gluing the laminates


    sawing the scarf


    gluing the headstock


    Month ago I got the body up to this state




  6. Ok. I´m trying to build explorer style guitar. I got wood and camera so I thought I might put some pics about the process.

    All I know so far is the body shape and wood I´m gonna use. Haven´t thought about what pickups or what bridge I need. I´m making the body from african mahogany and I was thinking if i could do bubinga top on it. I have some padauk and wenge which are the neck woods.

    Hopefully I´m able to join body pieces next week and come back with pics.

  7. Ok. Got some work done on friday and took the neck blank and treble-side wing to home from school. I routed the trussrod slot but I didn't route it all the way to the end (nut end). Made the control cavity. It looks horrible, but that's why I've cover for it. The recess for the cover has not been done yet and the cover is not fully ready, just some raw outlines.

    SO, pics! (Some pics are blurry and s**t) I'm almost ashamed to show pics if compared to most builds here.

    Does that mean you´re gonna leave the control cavity as it is ? I hope not.

    When I was making cavities for my LP, I was thinking what grit sandpaper I should use. So the job doesn´t look like I was trying to pee while running.

  8. I don´t know if I dare to ask, but how much you paid for flame maple ? Did you buy it from Finland ?

    I´ve noticed it´s hard to come by with figured woods around here and if they do show up the price is really high.

    I´ve also planned LP project but for top wood I settled with flame birch.

    Oh and

    Welcome to the forum and good luck with project.

  9. Well, I don´t know if you can count this as an innovation. But

    Some guitar builders seem to favor one piece necks and bodies without any glue join at all. So I thought it might be worth to attach fretboard with screws. Then I could say I´ve built a neck without a single glue join.

  10. Yesterday I actually got nothing done on this. :D

    I have some maple in my warm storage so I think I'm going to make a new neck blank from it, would be much better than that sh***y walnut as a neck. What do you guys think? :D

    -Juze aka Ghroath

    What´s wrong with that walnut ? Are you going to abandon it just because you did things in wrong order and don´t know what to do next ?

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