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Everything posted by yermaw

  1. A very small but important part of any guitar! Where would be a good position for the buttons that both keeps the guitar non neck heavy and hanging to the left?
  2. should be about what you have on a les paul, I think.
  3. Okays, I came up with an idea, please make some suggestions, or rip it apart, just do it gently Like it says up top, a 26 fret baritone, tuned to b with a 28-9 scale length. Methinks this would provide the lows of a baritone an the highs of a guitar whilst leaving space for a neck pickup. What do you think?
  4. Yeah, the sycamore should be figured. The basswood is probably the safest bet, not muddy, but still with a bit of warmth. BUT I just saw a video with Satch's Mahogany 7 string, sounds and looks wonderful, a bit muddy but still great. Ahh! Basswood or Mahogany?!
  5. Hi peoples, my first post here Here's my idea for a 7. I'm using sycamore as opposed to maple as I have acsses to a good cheap source. Should be similar enough. Sycamore thru neck, with some mahogany on the bottom of the body bit. Mahogany wings. Somthing exotic and cool on the fretboard. What do you think? Hopefully the extensive maple would balance out the muddines of the mahogany on the low b, whilst still leaving some nice warmth.
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