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Posts posted by wwwdotcomdotnet

  1. I am putting together a beater guitar and I have been looking into an EMG passive pickup for the bridge but I am pretty lost about which model to get. I run my guitars through a Marshall DSL50 with 1960a cab and I am looking for something that gets a really heavy sound similar to something like As I Lay Dying. Any advice?

  2. I was able to get the inlay done with some free time today. To cut out the holes in the fingerboard I used a 1/4" router bit in a drill chuck in a vertical miller at 2500 RPM (I had to improvise, but it worked perfectly). Once the glue drys I will grind down and polish the abilone. I wasn't able to do the side dots on the fingerboard since I don't have the right diameter Dremel bit, but later this week I will do it in the machine shop at RPI. The pictures are blury because the lighting in my dorm room is terrible.


  3. I have noticed that you have made the headstock ears. Please do not glue them to the neck before bandsawing the neck side profile, because it is hard to do proper sawing that way.

    I'm pretty sure Macimalac just meant that it would be easier to cut the profile if you had a flat surface to run through a bandsaw. I happen to agree with him, but there is more than one way to skin a cat.

    By the way, this project is looking good. I've been thinking about doing an sg myself, so I'm looking forward to seeing more progress. Good luck!

    i have extra pieces of wood from the neck that i can double stick tape on the other end of the neck to make it a flat surface when i bandsaw it so it should work out.

  4. I was able to get to the wood shop and plane the body to 1.5" which is still thicker than the final design, but I want some room for error once I glue the body to the neck and then sand and plane those together.


    This is a close up of the chamfers and tapers on the sides and back of the guitar. I was able to turn the tearout on the back of the guitar into a nice ergonomic shape for playing while standing up, so that worked out.


  5. I have a question - do you have access to a laser cutter then? Is that through a firm or do you work with them? Would you be at all interested in cutting me some custom templates? :D

    i do have access to one, but it is through my school. its hard to find times when people arent using it so that might be tough

  6. I bought a router bit with a bearing template guitar which was definitely a good investment. Routing the final body shape went pretty well but the left body piece had a two inch long chunk of wood ripped away on the back side. I'm not too worried because I was going to plane down the body to approximately 1.4" in thickness, the sides on the front and back will have chamfers, and the back side will be shaped/carved to play more comfortably when standing up rather than just a flat back. You can see some of the residue from the double sided tape I used to keep the template on.


    Here is the neck being laminated together. The outside pieces are maple and the middle is mahogany. I am using Titebond to put them together, and you can see all of the clamps I bought. I found a discount surplus hardward store and got a really good price on them ($4 each for the vise clamps, and $2.80 each for the 3" C-clamps). I probably should have a few more clamps on there, but this should be fine. When it was resting on the cardboard some glued dried to it so it looks ugly, but that will all be sanded and planed off.


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