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Posts posted by wwwdotcomdotnet

  1. i've neglected updating for a while, mostly because im busy, but i've gotten plenty done in the past few weeks.


    pickup cavities

    body close up

    fingerboard inlayed and radiused


    neck shaped 1

    neck shaped 2

    Lastly, I need some help with this one:

    I ordered a fingerboard from LMI, slotted but unradiused. I put in my own dot inlays, however when sanding the radius with my 12" Stew Mac block I noticed that the fret slots were a bit shallow on my fingerboard. You can see that there is nearly nothing left for depth on the sides, however in the middle of the board there is enough depth to put the fret in. What would the best way be to deepen the fret slots without having to worry about it being too shallow that I'd have to put the frets out if that were the case as I were fretting? HELP! Pic below:

    fingerboard side view, fret slots too shallow

  2. yeah, it is a scarf joint with some semi-thick lams between that i cut out of some spare wood.

    i'll get some pictures up within a few days. i've made loads of progress since my last update but have been too lazy to post pictures. id say by friday or so i'll have some pics of this guitar and the other one ive been working on, along with the workbench i built

  3. I am planning on doing Gibson style binding on my guitar (where the binding actually has a lip where the fret ends). I was wondering if I could tap in the frets before gluing the fingerboard to the neck, or would that be too risky? I would think that the fingerboard may be too weak to tap the frets in with it not attached to the neck. I wanted to do it this way so I could put the frets in, square them off with the end of the fingerboard, and then glue the binding on, then lastly glue it to the neck. Anyone have an opinion?

  4. This is what happens when you don't buy Mesa. Marshall sucks balls. Next time, buy a real cab. Go Mesa.

    BTW, your RA must've just loved that big 4x12 in the dorm...

    i live in a dorm where we have a music venue dedicated to the 20 of us that run it, so i practice with my bands there and have a smaller amp in my room :D

  5. Also, if you make any money whatsoever playing, you can call yourself a professional musician and buy your gear tax free at GC (and maybe other stores... I'm not really sure).

    hmm, didnt know that! ill see what i can do to get some good prices. only if they fix my cab though!

  6. Jon, thats a great set up. I'll have to get some of those squeeze clamps so I can do that too!

    I just got done doing some work. I used the sander to do the carving on the top and sides, it worked incredibly well. Later this week or next week I will post pictures in the two threads I have going for these guitars. I also got my bookmatched top jointed and glued! Thanks everyone!

  7. billious, thats funny, i actually originally bought that sander on an impulse buy last week. i took it home then did some research on it and found that people were having major issues with the belt tracking. i ended up returning it and found a ryobi on sale that was a little more, and had variable speeds and was way more heavy duty. i just got back from jury duty, so i have the rest of the day off to work on guitars! ill let everyone know how my sander works out by tonight. im off!

  8. Thanks for all the input guys, but I'm not sure all of you realize that I was talking about a handheld beltsander, not a stationary one! Anyways, I am thinking about looking into one that is a little smaller than 21" now after reading some of this, but maybe I can make do with this one. Its pretty heavy duty, and the sides are square so I could toss it in a vise and use it as a table mounted belt sander too!

  9. I hate Guitar Center.

    At the end of last summer I bought a Marshall 1960A cab and decided it would be a good idea to buy a "no questions asked" replacement plan with it seeing as how I would be using it a ton and taking it all over. That sounded like a great idea, no problem, pay $70 extra and get a little peace of mind knowing that if something happens like a speaker blows or someone falls into the grill and destroys the thing it will be fixed or replaced at no charge to me. Great. Well at the end of the semester I noticed the casters (wheels) on the bottom of the cab are pitted and completely trashed. Two weeks after this one of them rips out of the insert that connects it to the base. Its MADE OF PLASTIC. Who the heck designs a "road worthy" speaker cabinet with a cheap plastic threaded sleeve? No problem, its ok, I can get the casters and new sleeves replaced for free. Cool.

    Last Saturday:

    I go into GC with the parts taken off the cab, showing my recept and slip with all the coverage information. They tell me to call a company called AEON who manages their replacement plans. Fine.

    Last Monday:

    I call AEON. They quickly tell me to call GC to get Marshall's phone number. Fine, I'll live.


    Call GC during my lunch break, they tell me to come in after work. I do so. They again tell me to call AEON. Now I am starting to get annoyed.


    I call AEON again. After spending my ENTIRE 30 MINUTE LUNCH BREAK on the phone with them giving them every detail they need, they tell me I need to deal with GC or Marshall. Then they tell me that after I settle the information with GC I would have to SHIP MY SPEAKER CABINET TO THEM. Are you serious? The parts I need can fit in a padded envelope, and I can screw them in myself. O my, I'm dripping with frustration now.


    Back to GC, ready for destruction. Walk in, immediately asking for a manager. I don't have any more patience. I tell them I've been getting the run around, and that if this isn't settled this week I will never walk into a GC again. I also add that I've spent more money than I can even image on amps and guitars in the time that I have been playing, which is 11 years of my life. Thats over 1/2 of my life, and I'd say thats a loyal customer. Also I added I was considering buying a Les Paul as a college graduation present for myself at the end of my senior year if I had any money put to the side from this summer. They tell me they will call Marshall tomorrow when they are open and sort things out. DOUBTFUL.

    Heres to you, Guitar Center.

  10. I just bought a 21" x 3" hand belt sander at a great price. I've always wanted one, but I am fearing that it is a little overkill for guitar building. Anyone have any thoughts before I actually use it? It would be used mainly for cleaning up where the body wings join the neck in through neck guitars, and for things of that nature.

  11. This probably won't help you any, but there is a small paragraph about how Gibson binding is done differently, it is about a third of the way done on this Stew Mac binding page. I just found thsi thread funny because I spent a good deal of time last night absorbing everything to do with binding. The pic shows a guy using a bandsaw to cut out the same, although there might be a better way to do that like suggested a scroll saw or something. Good luck!

    I saw that a while ago, but it seems like it would be better to just use a cabinet scraper or a flat razor blade, files, and sand paper.

  12. So I've done a bit of homework on this binding method. I went to Guitar Center today to play a SG Standard, and the way Gibson does it doesn't seem too far out of reach. In fact, I am quite confident that with a little patience (god help me haha) it will come out quite nice. Any last incite before I place a Stew Mac order for some cream plastic binding? Should go nicely with the cream binding I am doing on the headstock, and both sides of the body...

  13. I saw the procedure at the Kalamazoo Gibson plant in 1976 on a week long warranty seminar.

    The fingerboards are thicknessed and sized to a rectangle.

    Then the inlay recesses are cut.

    Then the the inlays go in.

    Then the radius is sanded cleaning up the inlay glue.

    Then passed beneath a gang saw to cut the fret slots.

    Then at another station I watched a woman set the inlay-ed and slotted rectangular fingerboard on thick slab of steel and using quick clamps held it down. She took a sponge and wiped what appeared to be "Titebond" over the fingerboard thereby filling the slots. She took another sponge and wiped the excess glue off. Under her table were cardboard round containers with different size rolls of pre-bent fretwire. She'd grab the end of one and with a modified pair of end nippers (The end nippers had just the head of a four ounce ball peen hammer head tig welded to one side of the nipper jaws) She would set the wire across the fretboard then tap it in just the end at the very edge and then tap it at just other end...then clip it flush and move to the next slot. After all of the slots were filled she would turn around. Behind her was a hydraulic press with a radius-ed shoe as long as the fretboard. She'd index the fingerboard on the bottom plate and step on a trigger pedal. The upper shoe press would come down and force the frets to seat stopping before crushing the board at some preset pressure the returning to the open position. She would then stack the freshly fretted board on a cart. To continue 24 hours later after the glue dried to the next operation which was cutting the taper of the fretboard with the frets in it.

    Then the taper was cut with a sliding table saw fixture with a carbide blade.

    Then the tapered board went to another station where another lady glued on the binding which extended above the height of the frets on the fingerboard.

    Then on to another station where the excess binding was scraped down leaving the little caps on the edge of the frets.

    I asked my host, the assistant plant foreman, why they didn't undercut the frets and install the frets after the binding was put on. He offered that they had tried it both ways and after a time study it wasn't feasible to undercut the frets after the binding was installed. Also it required skilled labor to dress the fret ends and dressing the fret ends also contributed to slowing the process down. Also there was an increase in failed part inspection during the study.

    thats interesting that they would taper the fingerboard after the frets were on, just seems like more work to cut the steel on the board. but i suppose that would make the fret ends perfectly square against the side of the board

  14. I love how Gibson overlaps their neck binding with the ends of the frets, however I am perplexed as to how they accomplish this. Here is what I am talking about: GIBSON BINDING.

    I want to do this to one of the guitars I am working on, but what I don't understand is how they are able to have the fret ends either inside or under the binding. If you've played a LP or SG Standard you'll understand what I am trying to say.

    Do they install the frets first, then the binding? If so, how do they have the binding actually covering the fret ends! HELP!

  15. it is a little narrow yes. i may end up gluing some wood where the TOM would go just to give it some extra support. there is about 5/16" on either side of the ends of the lugs without it though, so we'll see. although i did take that into account in my template the bit ate about 1/4" under the template on one side, so i evened it out on the other. i'm not concerned seeing as how it will be covered, and with the location of my f holes it will be impossible to see the blocks if i glue them in.

  16. i got the control cavity templates cut on the laser cutter today, and also cut the neck height down a bit for the TOM bridge, jointed the body sides each about 1/8", routed a cavity in the side of the neck for the pickup wires, drilled into the lower wing an inch or so to connect the control cavity to the pickups/neck route, and glued the body wings. busy day! pics will follow!

  17. i got the neck pocket template and control cavity templates laser cut this morning, then routed the control cavity. i'll take pictures by the weekend!

    i'm still working on a f hole design to laser cut a template for, but havent come up with anything i like. hopefully i can draw a decent one by tomorrow so i can have that done since i leave for home and wont have access to the woodshop here since the semester is over

  18. Probably more a case of the purpleheart being much denser than the spruce, so it will expand and contract more. If the two woods were not the same moisture content, then when they equalise, the body will act like a bimetal strip, like they use in thermostats. I have had this happen, it is indeed a bummer.

    I've been to Curtis, too! A long time back when I used to live up there. I had to get some teak to replace some trim on a boat. Only place that had any. I'm so glad I didn't have a credit card then. :D

    That neck is going to be gorgeous!!

    tell me about it, teak is soooo pricy

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