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  1. Hi guys, i have build a sustainer time ago (a simple coil driver, like one in the tutorial, and the Ruby) and it works but not so good expecially on the 2 thin strings (B e E) and on the others works, but not with a clean sound, there are a lot of harmonics so what is the best configuration to make? wich driver, wich electronic use for amplificate the signal? i haven't got the time for read all the 200 pages of this topic so if you could answer to my questions i'll be very happy tnx Michael
  2. hi, i can't find the 0,2mm wire and for reach the 8ohm impedance i need a few turns and it isn't correct i have 0,1mm ; the question is: can i use a couple of 0,1 wire soldered in parallel connection? (for reach 8ohm with this configuration i can use the twice quantity of wire so i can wound the twice of turns) i hope you understand me
  3. another question: the core of the driver must be ferrite steel or a common steel does work?
  4. i've misured th resistance of my wire and it's about 2,5 ohm/m !!!! with 2,5 turns are 7,5 ohm, but all the coils i've seen have a lot of turns it's all right??? help me please mi wire is 0,1mm how many turns i've to round?
  5. Hi guys, my name is Michael, but i'm italian i couldn't phisically read all the thread and would know what is the best sustainer you've done by now. i'm intentioned to make a sustainer with a steel rod in the middle and copper coils around, like a pickup and use the Ruby miniamp tho amplify the signal from the guitar, Can it work??? my bigger problem is the driver, how many turns i have to do?
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