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Everything posted by disk11

  1. Should I wait for new strings? The ones were on there felt really old and I threw out all but the E string away.
  2. I had assumed the peak of the curve should be by the head. I guess I was wrong then. Also, what should I post pictures of? I was reading this to figure out what to do with the truss rod: http://www.athensmusician.net/archive/2001...neimbody1.shtml When I held the 14th fret to check the clearance at the 6th fret, there is some clearance. So do I need to turn the truss rod counterclockwise to add more of a bow?
  3. I acquired a Yamaha ERB070P2 bass for free that already had the frets pulled out, and decided to turn it into a real fretless. However, when I was messing around with it, I noticed that on the low frets, ie 1st and 2nd, that the string was touching the fretboard in places other than where my finger was depressed. When I checked the curve, I noticed it is curved the opposite way it should be, as there is a high point in the middle and it curves down from there. My question is should I give up on the project or attempt to curve the fretboard the proper way? I could care less if I ruined the bass.
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