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Posts posted by Joobsauce

  1. Go by what feels best to you. Play a couple scales and some chords and see if you can comfortably play the neck. And make sure the volume knob isnt where you strum. I really likes the tone of an ibanez I was playing but every time I went for some up picking I shut the stupid guitar off.

    Make shure it feels and looks good to you.

  2. that looks sweet how the hell did u do that with the plate?? or is there even a plate on there???

    Nope, no plate. I'm guessing they just mounted the pickups in the guitar. I didnt make it, just bought it like this. It was only like 200usd so I'm happy. :D

  3. Shielding DOES help, as a matter of fact. I'm not sure I understand why you can't do it with the guitar in question-- what is a shaved pickguard with holes filled in? :D Got a pic?


    Hope thats not too big.

    It's a squire strat with fender pickups, customized by molson beers. John molson even signed it. :D

    the best thing is a good solid earth from the bridge (not the trem spring holder) direct to the ground on ur jack point or to the vol pot, i find the best way to ground a bridge is to feed the wire through the body to the backplate then back up through the bridge slot, with the copper wire exposed remove th bridg and insert the exposed end into the screw hold and then rescrew the bridge back in,

    Thanks, I'll try that. Any other idias guys?

  4. BTW camera makes it look pink-red, it isnt. It's orange on the front and red on the back. Pretty sweet 2 tone in person.




    For a 1 off custom, 250 bux USD isn't too bad. hopefully it's worth some money in a few decades.

    INFO- my cousen won it off of a molson beer expo, one off squire. Pick guard removed, custom paint,and the molson rocks thing is oainted off, not a sticker. And John Molson himself signed it, and was clearcoated overtop of it. WOOT! But ya, it has that signature fender sound. Hard to explain but when you hear a nice fender you know what it is immidiatly. The only thing I plan on doing to this is getting a set to replace the white with black. black pickup covers, knobs, and switch ends. I think that will match the "look" the guitar has going for it. Mabie some real fender pickups in the future, who knows.


  5. Ok, I need to get the electronics out of my guitar,(cheap walmart firstact) now I need to know-

    The wire going to the pickup, can I just cut that, and then solder it back togeather or do I have to de soilder it frome the wiring it's self? I dont want to screw up the picup, you know? Thx



    Humbucker BTW

  6. ya, I have welding experiance. My plan of attack is as follows-

    Make the frame, open, with braces for the pickups and cable jack and such. Probably brazed togeather, because the braze I have is gold and I want some gold accent on the darker iron. second I'll just weld on a metal pipe cut in half (semi-spherical) and put the neck from the guitar I'll be using for parts on it, custom painted of course. After some thought it seems like too much trouble to try and weld/press on the frets, as mentioned. I'll run a small piece of square tubing in the pipe (welded on the guitar body/frame) so I can mount the headstock. Then I will focus on mounting the headstock, tuners, strings and such. If I have time I'll cover the body in sheet aluminum for a nice look that I can polish up. But an open guitar with all the electronics exposed would look pretty sweet.

    If I dont get the electronics worked out by the time class is over, I'll just sort them out at home, no biggie.

    I've been reading up. :D

  7. Ok, wazzup guys! I've been lurkin for a bit and have some questions that I hope you guys can awnser. I have a metal fab project in school due the end of the year, and wanted your oppinions on building an electric guitar out of metal alone.

    I know you might think I'm crazy, but I love guitars. I have a mid 60's silvertone accoustic (great) and a cheap wal-mart guitar by firstact to fool around on. Now my idia is to build the neck out of boxed tube, with 3 layers of sheet metal on top for the fretboard. 2nd, I can make a custom bent frame for the body out of flat steel, 1/2in thick and 2in wide, with curvs and such. With sheetmetal overtop of that, I could easaly mount the pickups, cable jack, and knobs/switches. I might have to do some soildering, but I think I can manage.

    Now some of my questions. I know I can transfer over the stuff, but-

    1- Would the hollow body/neck mess with the tone of the pickups and maby create some bad frequences?

    2- Would the metal create some bad harmonics or just a poor sound?

    3- It would be cheaper to buy a cheap firastact on ebay, build the metal one with putting the comp[lete firstact innards into it and then modify it if need be or should i just start custom? I will be working in a 6-7week enviroment with abouit 40min a day to work on it, so time is a factor there.

    4- it will be HEAVY. Any good straps to support this weight?

    thanks guys, I'll try to be good here, Joobsauce.

    PS- if it's in the wrong section, plz move it, not sure where to put this. :help

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