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Posts posted by BLS

  1. I dotn really care about the corny paint but in the pics you cna see that the spring cavity is uneven. I really wouldnt be interested at all but because it comes with the neck i figure its worth a shot. I guess if it goes to under 30 then ill get it. But would i just fille the whole cavitity up with wood and filler then rerout it or what??

  2. i really like your idea of metal tele. besides, Devin Townsend of Strapping Young Lad has been using ESP Telecasters loaded with EMG 81 for over a decade, so what's the problem? in my opinion, you can get any guitar shape, use a low tone sounding wood for the body [Limba or Mahogany] and then load them up with high output humbuckers and you can't go wrong in terms of a metal guitar. so by all means, go for it dude!

    i think [but i could be wrong] you will not find a pickup more powerful than a Mastertone SPA-4. they are Australian and quite pricey, but since you earn good money <ahttp://www.projectguitar.com/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png' alt=':D'> i think you should consider them. Mastertone - Humbuckers just scroll down untill you see SUPA PHAT ASS.

    I thought he played Gibson explorers

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