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Posts posted by Rick500

  1. The table saw and router are the ones that put the fear into me.

    I just flat-out don't use the table saw if there's any way around it.

    I use the router constantly, but I force myself to constantly be aware of where my fingers and body and the workpiece are in relation to the bit.

    And I've made it a habit to always wear a full face shield in addition to safety glasses when I'm using any power saw (including the band saw) or the router.

  2. I had a bit of a run-in with my oscillating belt sander a few weeks ago.

    "It's just a sander!," right?

    The belt slipped up on the spindles about a quarter inch farther than it should have been, I got my left index finger too close to it, and the bottom edge of the spinning belt caught my finger and sanded a nice little cut into my fingertip, and sanded the last few millimeters of the nail down to paper-thin.

    Bled for probably 15 minutes before I finally got it superglued together.

  3. I had soda with Nutrasweet (aspartame) in it exactly twice. Got nasty headaches both times.

    I was in the UK in 2006 and again in 2007 and was so happy to find Coke made with real sugar. SO much different than HFCS. (And I do like the stuff at less than super-chilled temperatures, with no ice. :D )

  4. Actually, Dr Pepper is supposedly amaretto-flavored. That's what they were aiming for anyway. Presumably Mr Pibb as well.

    I never heard that about Dr. pepper. Mr. Pibb is supposed to have prune flavoring.

    It's ironic that we both left food service for IT.

    I guess technically I didn't leave foodservice... I still work for the same company I did when I ran restaurants. I just work at a laptop instead of with customers now. :D

  5. Personally, I don't like Coke. Diet Coke tastes like a$$. I'm all for the alternate colas - Pibb & Pepper. The leser ones are even better, like RC. Diet Cherry RC is exceptionally good for a diet soda. But for my cheapness, you can't beat Vess. Mix & match your own case at the local discount grocery chain for about $5.00 with flavors you can't find anywhere else... oooooohhhh yea.

    I used to drink 2+ sodas per day when I was working in restaurants. I'm down to 2-3/week at most now. I was surrounded by a seemingly endless supply of free food & soda. I left the industry in May of '07 and have put on 20 pounds since then. Tell me how much sense THAT one makes.

    Actually, Dr Pepper is supposedly amaretto-flavored. That's what they were aiming for anyway. Presumably Mr Pibb as well.

    As for leaving the restaurant industry and then gaining weight: I used to manage a pizza place, now I'm in I.T. Did the same weight-gain routine when I left the restaurant. (Fortunately, I weighed just under 130 at the time, so gaining 25 pounds was actually a good thing.) I attribute it to being constantly on my feet and moving all the time in the restaurant vs. now sitting at a desk most of the day.

  6. I think I understand your desire to have a spot-on, exact copy of a Strat.

    But, being practical, even if you were to get a CAD file and have a template laser-cut, just the sanding of the body after it's cut is going to put it off from the original some fraction of a millimeter anyway. It's just a question of how close is good enough, because you're not going to get something perfect no matter what you do. (And in fact, factory Strats are going to vary from each other to some small degree anyway.)

  7. In general:

    Files are used on both metal and wood; rasps are just for wood.

    Files have diagonal lines of "teeth," sometimes criss-crossing lines of teeth. Rasps have "teeth" that are actually more shaped like real teeth...little spikes, kind of. Rasps are designed for rapid wood removal. Better ones (handmade) will have the teeth in a random pattern rather than in lines.

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