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Mr. Preston Swift

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Posts posted by Mr. Preston Swift

  1. Is the double top basically two thin soundboards with that honeycomb stuff in the middle. Cause if it is i think that would be a little expensive if i used rosewood

    Your assumtion is correct. Double tops are more expensive.

    So I just wanna know if you have found your answer to this question.

    "Since Rosewood is denser than mahogany and already has good tonal qualities wouldn't it too make a great soundboard?"

    If so what conclusions did you come to?


    I came to the assumption that rosewood would probably make a good sound board, if and only if, the body/bracing is good enough to support it enough to produce a descent tone, Guild i know makes all mahogany guitars so i guess that most back and sides woods could be ok tops too only if they are built with options and stucture to support it enough.

    thank you guys and i plan to try this in the future (about a year i guess)


  2. i was recently rereading on of my books on wood selection.

    It mentioned that Indian rosewood was a denser kind of wood, more so then Mahogany.

    I know Guild uses mahogany for it's soundboards and so do others, and of course they sound great.

    Since Rosewood is denser than mahogany and already has good tonal qualities wouldn't it too make a great soundboard?

    I couldn't really dig up any helpful info on it.

    What do you guys think?

  3. I am making my first guitar. It's just about done exept for the wiring.

    I have 2 humbuckers to use for it (seymour duncan bridge position and a mid 80's ibanez RG neck position)

    I'm a little lost in wiring them right and where everything would go.

    Does someone know how to or have a diagram to wire 2 humbuckers to a stacked push pull tone and volume pot and a 3 way switch?

    Also how do you tell if a 3 way switch is good or not?


  4. Hellow I am in the proces of wanting to build a les paul style guitar and I have just a few questions about routing the curved channel for the truss rod I know how to do the routing itself but have ben unable to find much in the way of how much curve it should have I have read mevin hiscock's book many times and I am still farely confused as I want to route the channel like a gibson where it's flatter towards the body doe anyone have a diagram of the channel route.

    I'm a little sketchy on that issue too. I also read Hiscock's bible many times and still a little confused on how to do it. Because of this I just used StewMac's Hot Rods (link at bottom). If you don't already know about them they use straight channels so you don't need to route a curved channel and they are 2 way adjustable so they can adjust up or down. They worked great with my LP Hybrid.


  5. I like bolt on necks on my acoustics. It is a nice way to go for future servicing, and there are several features you can build in with bolt ons(even adjustable joints). I never found set necks harder per say, but like I said I enjoy the flexability of a bolt on.

    Your big question will be what configuration to use(and there are a lot of options). You mentioned a similar configuration to an electric. Are you thinking something with no heel? I think Myka had built with that kind of configuration. You can certainly look around and find other methods also. Here are a few links






    There are a lot of other examples out there. Do any of these look like something that would work 4 U?


    The Taylor method and Myka's method looks like it might work for me. I have a few questions on them that need some answering. In the Taylor method is it just on big solid neck block for the neck to bolt into? and on Myka's method i am confused on how the neck attachs to the irregular neck block and why the block is formed like it is. Couldn't i just have a larger neck block and bolt it on like a strat, or would that cause tonal problems and maybe mute the sound a bit?


    PS: your guitars are kicking ass. I'll be looking into them too!

  6. One of my friends who is building a six string acoustic bass is using oak for the neck and is convinced it is good for luthier purposes.

    I also have an oak body blank that I got for free but i don't know if it is a good choice for the guitar.

    Is oak a good enough wood for the body and is it stiff enough for the neck?


  7. That's a relief! Some of the parts I'm buying for it are coming from the US so I was hoping I wouldn't have the same trouble simply asking questions :D

    How much trouble is it to customize a Rhoads to have three pickups and stuff?

    Not hard at all just a little modification to the wiring and an extra pickup cavity. So, not that hard at all. I'm actually planning to build a guitar for my tech-ed class coming later this year

  8. I was looking at stika boards on StewMac and the prices range from AA-$19 AAA-$38 AAAA-$67 Master-88

    i really don't have much of a budget here so i'm trying to get the best for my money

    I know that Carvin uses AA stika for their acoustic top and they sound great.

    Does the grade of a soundboard drastically effect the overall sound of the guitar?


  9. One shouldn't try to build a dream guitar on the first try. Get some inexpensive woods/hardware and build something simple. I *highly* recommend buying the book "build your own electric guitar" by Melvyn Hiscock.

    Trying to build your "dream guitar" on your first try, I'm sorry to say, will most likely end in disaster. It's not something thats easy to do, especially if you don't have previous woodworking skills. If you just want a guitar like an esp, I recommend buying an esp.

    Guitar building is a hobby, an art that you perfect after much hard work over the years. Not a way to save money by buying a guitar out of a store.

    i actually just started my first this year to save money cause i was 14 and didn't have a source of income. As i was building i found out that it's fun to do overall and a good challenge if your bored. Good hobby too. But yeah, you can put all sorts of weird crap on your custom made gitbox and brag to people who have to comprise while you can just add on what you want.

  10. Thanks for all your input. I have something in the works that looks like it's going to pan out. :D

    The Warmoth and Carvin options are both winners, too, though-- so if the plan doesn't work out for me, I'll have a backup. She likes the Carvin stuff. When it comes time to have a Stratomacaster, Warmoth also sounds like a good option... mind you, at SOME point in time in this danged life, I'd like to make some guitboxes for mesself. :D


    yeah those warmoths are real nice

    much niceer than anything i could make

    i built a giutar and sometime in my life i'd actually like to make a good one lol

    PS: Warmoth puts binding on a stratocaster ;-)

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