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Mr. Preston Swift

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Posts posted by Mr. Preston Swift

  1. sorry for being late to the thread but i do remember back in a thread a couple months ago there was a link to a classical/acoustic guitar builder that used "black composite" frets. He claimed that they were quieter than steel frets and were better for recording, i think he said they were stronger than regular wire.

    I'll have to find it, but it's defiantly there.

  2. So you guys might like this one- I left a comment on one of his videos saying that with the way it was built, it wouldnt be strong or playable to any true extent. I went to take a look at the video again today and my comment is gone and when i try to post another it says i am blocked from posting on his videos. Seems that he was scared of what i said and didnt want anyone to know that his monster wont work properly. I feel censored.

    same thing happened to me and my friends. We kept posting that the woods wouldn't hold but he kept deleting them. He's trying to con someone who doesn't know how to pick out good basses out of 1000 pounds. And people keep praising him that he's made the perfect bass.

  3. I'd imagine it would be very difficult to play though b/c with that many frets and scale etc. wouldn't you need to fan the frets? He prolly didn't attempt it b/c he can't fret a neck, but wouldn't you still need to play a fretless in the same manner. I think it would be so different from a regular bass's b/c the "would be fret positions" would be so far out of expected place and also having absolutely no fret or position markers. I think it would serve better use as road sign then a bass.

    And to answer Kiem's question: He said that he's not putting up any vids of him playing the bass.

    I can see myself years from now on my deathbed, dying, my last words will be "that 13 string bass never worked!!!"

  4. He may have finished the first 13-string bass, but I really wouldn't consider it a bass considering the scale is 26". A chapman stick is more of a bass than this instrument is. This "instrument" just has a bunch of strings that aren't even tuned in perfect fourths, just a bunch of bass strings in no telling what tuning. There has been another 13-string bass in the works for a couple years for Jean Baudin. I'm not sure who is making it, but Nordstrand wound the pickups for it.


    Conklin is making the 13 string bass for Jean Baudin

  5. Recently i came across a guy on youtube that is making a 13 string bass and posting his progress. He recently finished it but all he has posted are slide shows and a video of his talking about how great it is. I think that it's just a big cover up. The 13 string bass is fretless and it's neck and body are made out of pine and it's fingerboard is oak laminate. The bridge is wood and it's string through. The body is very small and the neck is very big which leads me to think it would be incredibly unbalanced when playing. He says he built the pickup by himself but only has pics of him making the pickup cover. He has posted sound clips of the bass but the clips sounds like a bass with frets. He has no actual videos of him playing and he says he has no plans of putting one on. Me and my friend are trying to ask him questions about why the sound clips of the bass don't match up, why he isn't posting videos of him playing it, and various other technical questions but he keeps deleting them and not answering them. He says it plays like a dream and wants to sell it. I think it would be very hard to play the neck would bend 90 degrees before the end of the day. I think that the bass doesn't actually work at all and that it is poorly built and he's trying to cover it up and just sell it.

    I don't know why, but this is making me VERY MAD!!! I'm never usually like this though lol.

    Do you guys think that it actually works???

    here's some links:

    him talking about the bass, http://youtube.com/watch?v=BXAmumqQ_t4

    sound clip and slide show, http://youtube.com/watch?v=V3y73rYHdnw

  6. 2 weeks ago i stumbled upon a guitar parts site that was in one of the Project Guitar threads and i was going to order from but i can't find it again due to bookmarking failure.

    what i can remember about the site is it had various kinds of pots that had effects like overdrive, tone expander etc. and it had sound clips of them being used on a Jackson guitar.

    It also had other electronics too like pre-wired pots and switches without the pickups or pick guards. It also had alot of other items on the page.

    I think the background of the site was black and it was not an ebay store.

    Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

  7. I think it looks kind of cool and well made, also very flashy and a good deal.

    Personally I don't think i would buy it unless i have actually physically played that specific guitar i was buying, even though i do buy stuff from eBay. But i haven't played a Wechter yet. The double cutaway looks like it would take a lot out of the tone but until i play a Wechter i have no idea.

  8. i love and hate ordering from StewMac. They have so much good stuff that i need but your order has to be above $30. I really don't order much money cause I don't have much of a source of income. Also i'm making a guitar out of oak also because it was totally free. My piece is really heavy so i have to chamber. Good luck, i'll be comparing my work to yours :D

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