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Posts posted by carousel182

  1. This one is a pretty basic build. Just using up some spare parts I have laying around the shop. Basically, its going to be either a cream colored or white strat (2 piece poplar body) with a solid rosewood neck (beautiful wood). The pickguard will be black and all hardware chrome. Not much to it.

    So here are some pictures





    One question though.. I will be spraying a polyurethane finish on this one, probably minwax waterbased poly or target coatings waterbased poly. I still have no idea what type of paint is compatible with these finishes.

  2. I kind of dropped this build for a while but now I'm starting it up again. I wasn't really happy with the old neck for some reason so i decided to go with a birdseye neck.. right now im just gluing the scarf so no picks yet, but when i get it cut out ill post some.

  3. Over the past few months ive been looking at my guitar rack and out of the 6 guitars that i have i realized that I only play 3. So now to get back into building (I've been too busy to do anything recently) I've decided to fix up some of my older builds, and get them playable again. Since I want to just ease into this Ill start with one that won't require too much work.

    Some of you may remember my thread for this guitar a while ago


    Well, the guitar didn't come out as well as I'd have liked. The finish ended up pretty bad, and the fret job wasn't pretty. So now with the experience I have now I'm gonna give it a new finish a refret and a good setup.

    here it is after I dyed and bursted the top.




    I realize that there is a large amount of orange peel, my sprayer wasn't cooperating.

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