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Posts posted by StreamLine

  1. yeh i was gonna say, how DID he mount that pickup?

    looks v impressive, other than if you look at the picture with the two knobs, it looks like they are placed on top of an ass :D

    but a cool weird guitar to own........ somehow though i dont think it'll go for more than $500.

  2. !!!!! that must get SO much feedback. i recommend the dimebuckers.....

    no, only if the pickup is not potted properly or guitar is unshielded will you get lots of feedback.... well, putting that mother-of-a-bucker into a hollow body wouldnt be too good, but point is, in my opinion bad worksmanship causes squaling and disgusting feedback, NOT high output pickups.

    and dimebuckers are just overhyped and overrated BL XL500's.



  3. Yeah, pickups are one of the easiest, most efficacious mods you can do to a guitar, short of major surgery.

    well new pickups are almost equivalent on giving the patient a new heart and lungs, so pretty major.....

    pickups are about 2/9 of your tone, if we take the amp and stompboxes as the other 6/9......... so that is major, isnt it?

    not too difficult a mod though, which is cool



  4. These prices are valid until Jan 30th

    that means i still have enough time! ok how much do i need to pay you rhoads56.......... and kahler is infinetely superior to OFR B) *cough* *cough* (worth a try JB! :D )

    i live in UK so yeh, should i contact you first or will you email me with how much i owe you?



  5. ultimately the OFR is more reliable and customizable, it simply works better - can be used wih pretty much any string gauge and more room for adjusting intonation

    You havent set up many 10's or 11's on floyds have you!!

    I know a few VERY reputable repairers that simply refuse to fit anything heavier than 9-42 onto ANY floyd.

    no sir, i shred with 10-46 tuned to concert pitch.

    needless to say, i do all setups on my guitars myself, and i have 1 strung up with 10's and another with 11's.

    the gauge change was a biscuit, but no big deal



  6. personally i think the Kahler is a better idea design-wise; though ultimately the OFR is more reliable and customizable, it simply works better - can be used wih pretty much any string gauge and more room for adjusting intonation, i've heard of a lot of people having problems with the roller saddles, whereas there are practically no problems with old OFR's but thats just me; most of the bad Floyd publicity has come from the licensed ones (korean mystery metal that breaks after little abuse on top range Ibanez axes?)

    the pull-up thing is true, but it doesnt stop Satch does it? he has insanely low action, at about 0.5mm over the 12th fret, and i cant exactly say that restricts his floyd use....

    but hey both FR and Kahler are cool, whammy abuse all the way \m/



  7. but being realistic, how often do you refret a guitar? exactly

    scalloped fingerboards OWN

    Depends on how you play. I've heard that some, every two years. Anyway, the point is moot for me, 'cause I'm getting me some stainless steel fretwire! :D

    so am I.......... i hope!!



  8. 8 months.

    newbie luthier B)

    but i'm gonna start first major project (building a 7 string from scratch in late march), as previous was just over the top modding........ i spent 4 times as much on parts for modding, as i spent on actual guitar in the first place, lol

    even its ugly chinise factory-of-a-mother wouldnt recognise it now



  9. i need advise on which fingerboard wood to use on my 7 string project......

    i want a balanced tone that can work nicely on clean jazz, and heavily overdriven amps for much heavier stuff, but i want all lower strings to be punchy, i dont want masses of low end thats typical to many cheap 7's....

    tone i'm looking for is think of the 'tightness' of low strings in Steve Vai's tone, but so that it can be used on thrash metal riffing too......

    visual appearance is a bonus too......



  10. i just use Kisekai, hats off to the dude that put it together.


    no i havent done any finishes, but i can assure you, i'll do it myself.

    i started my first project without a clue of what i was doing..... i learn quick and i'm persistent - talk about 8 months the 1st guitar took to be playable!

    i have had a couple of ideas since then, mostly to do with a camo finish, i'd apply it by the using camo dyed cloth, then making that into a finish with one of Brian's tutorials...... or a natural finish.

    i'm gonna do everything myself, but i have my grandpa coming over so he's gonna help heaps - he's a Soviet engineer and he is great with woodwork, so.... and meh, i enjoy a challenge.

    here's the idea i like the most, but bear in mind my actual design is not an RG body, and its a 7 string...... i just use Kisekai to draw up a visual picture.


    i'm thinking over a variety of finishes, but camo and natural (maple top) appeal to me the most.........

    i've also chosen the woods - maple wings, either 5 piece all maple, or 5 piece maple and wenge neckthru,, but i just need to decide between ebony and maple fretboard......... i'm leaning towards the ebony, and camo, 2nd picture

  11. i just use Kisekai, hats off to the dude that put it together.


    no i havent done any finishes, but i can assure you, i'll do it myself.

    i started my first project without a clue of what i was doing..... i learn quick and i'm persistent - talk about 8 months the 1st guitar took to be playable!

    i have had a couple of ideas since then, mostly to do with a camo finish, i'd apply it by the using camo dyed cloth, then making that into a finish with one of Brian's tutorials...... or a natural finish.

    i'm gonna do everything myself, but i have my grandpa coming over so he's gonna help heaps - he's a Soviet engineer and he is great with woodwork, so.... and meh, i enjoy a challenge.

    here's the idea i like the most, but bear in mind my actual design is not an RG body, and its a 7 string...... i just use Kisekai to draw up a visual picture.


    i'm thinking over a variety of finishes, but camo and natural (maple top) appeal to me the most.........

    i've also chosen the woods - maple wings, either 5 piece all maple, or 5 piece maple and wenge neckthru,, but i just need to decide between ebony and maple fretboard......... i'm leaning towards the ebony, and camo, 2nd picture

  12. well after spending a couple of hours with a few thousand pounds worth of guitars, i have decided to build a seven string because i honestly felt that my custom 6 string played better than a $2000 ESP 6 string superstrat, and 7's just offered something new...... but this means no sustainer.

    i've given up on the kahler idea, so its either FR or hardtail..... i have already started drawing up the design, its based on the strat, but with bigger horns and deeper cutaway, so will look like a sleeker form of an RG with 24th fret clear of lower cutaway...... have also decided to copy Universe / 7321 neck dimension because they feel the best with 7 strings.

    5 piece neckthru construction, 3 DiMarzio humbuckers/single (just H-S-H), and either a camoflage or natural finish......

    not sure about exact woods yet........

    but i need to decide, would a front rout (w/ pickguard) be easier than a rear rout where humbucker slots are routed in and the control couted is rear routed? or it is the same amount of work?

    i'll be having a cool finish, so i'd like to show it off, by not having a pickguard....... but would that be more work?

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