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Posts posted by StreamLine

  1. may i ask, what would be the main differences between the SD pickup booster and your pedal.

    if both are true bypass, then surely there's only so much difference there can be in the circuit, if both have a single pot to control the boost level.

    also the SD unit has a 'modes' switch which can fatten up the sound.

    i'm not trying to be agressive or anything, I'm just curious =)


  2. yeah, reason i need it is that the makers of my guitar, some korean factory, didnt bother making the correct angle on teh headstock, so i've always had to deal with this issue. now that i'm revamping the guitar, its gonna be resolved once and for all.

    let me know Scott if you've got a block!



  3. Drilling the SPRING holes deeper is risky, esp. if the holes are angled.  Use a sewing needle to check if there's an angle or not.  Some are angled; some aren't.  If it is angled, and you drill it, you risk punching through the side of the block.  That would suck.

    First, I'd call AllParts or WD and ask them if they have a 36mm block.  Sometimes, the sales guys know of a place where oddball parts rest in a box under a shelf somewhere (like that drawer in your kitchen that holds...all sortsa crap.  LOL), or they might even stock them.  It's worth a call or two.  They both have 800 numbers.



    My next suggestion would be to put up a WTB listing on this site and others, asking for the correct size block.   

    On some trem blocks, you can trim the SCREW side.  Drill the plate mounting screw holes 7mm deeper, then tap that new section of hole.  Now you can trim off the extra 6mm from the SCREW side (no one will ever see it unless they disassemble the trem).

    Call first.  Machine if necessary.

    ok, thanks guys.

    what is the OFR's sustain block made from? i hope its not a super strong steel alloy...lol

  4. hey guys need some advice.

    i bought an OFR bridge second hand... i fitted it and it was all good, except one small issue and one big one.

    i needed to have a 36mm sustain block, but the OFR's one is 42mm. so it pokes out, and is a pain... and its a pain for me to try to sell the bridge and try to buy another one..

    so is it feasible to just cut down the block to right size with a metal saw thingy (hand held) - i'm bad with naming tools. i've cut brass and copper sheets with it before...

    if i could do this, do the holes for the springs to go into go deep enough to still be used?

    thats the main issue. a much smaller one is that the trem arm needs to be really loose to avoid hitting the volume know. any chance of bending the trem arm to a slightly steeper angle? or...?

    thanks guys!! i know i've hardly posted of late, but i hope you wouldnt mind helping out, considering i havent been able to of late....


  5. hey guys, i need some advice.

    i got fed up with my old crackling pots in my ibanez rg7621, so i replaced them with dimarzio pots... but now the bling green ibanez knobs i have dont fit on!

    i think the pots shafts are too big... so what do i do? i really wonna keep the knobs as they cost me a few bob and they look awesome with the green pickups...

    any ideas guys?


  6. alright, i got one black Dimarzio megadrive (f spaced) and one black Dimarzio chopper. both in great condition, long wires.

    looking to sell or trade. i'm open to trades on various interesting things (i.e. i confess to not knowing what exactly i want!) -maybe a tremolo / phaser pedal / volume pedal / ebow / ab switch / other pickups etc etc - so just offer me anything interesting you've got and i'll consider it!

    or of course i can sell....

    pics available on request. i have over 50 positive feedbacks on ebay, look me up with roman_sub

    shipping to pretty much anywhere! just did two trades internationally, actually.

    email me on roman_sub@hotmail.com or pm me back or post here!!



  7. yup, i'm in a progressive death metal band with a female vocalist 

    Hey man that's cool what style vocals does she use harsh or soft do you have any sound clips??

    !!METAL MATT!! B)

    both actually! very much like Opeth.

    when we have stuff recorded i'll let you know bro' :D



  8. sorry man, the dollar to pund exchange rate is not helping at all B)

    and things in the UK are MUCH more expensive, so its not just me trying to rip you off, i hope you understand...

    like a Peavey JSX costs about $1300 in US, in the UK it costs £1200 (Which is $2400!!!) so... :D

  9. inputELAN.JPG




    there are the pics, i thought i'd add a bit of info about the thing as well!

    made in the 80's as you can see.

    made so that you can run the pre-amp into two separate stereo power amps, one for the clean section, one for the dirty section. also two effects loop (one per channel).

    however there's a switch which lets you 'unite' the signal so you can run it as a 'normal' pre-amp. this also 'unites' the effects loop. you can also have both channels on at once, or none turned on!

    i bought the pre-amp with no footswitches, and had to find my own ones so as result the footswitches are NOT original, but work perfectly. and hey, one of the footswitches is a mesa/boogie one :D

    the dirty channel can be switched from high gain to low gain, so you almost get three channels.

    there's are also stereo panning (!!) for both channels and a built in noise gate push-pull pot, which is very good when switched on.

    sounds great as you;d expect from a boutique peice of gear but its not the sound i'm 100% happy with... and for the money i've spent on my rig, and i know i can do *better*, so thats the only why i'm selling stuff.......

    i hope that helps.

    btw MetalMATT, the guy that won the 7 string p-ups seems to be avoiding emailing / contacting me, and he hasnt paid me yet. i'm giving him a few more days and then they're yours if you still want them, i'd settle for £15 (british pounds) plus shipping for them (the guy won the auction for £16, so i think thats fair...)


    EDIT: there's an input on the back of the pre-amp as well.

  10. thanks, syxxstring, i've sent them an email.

    they do offer great pedals and guitars! :D

    i totally agree with the Santana like tones, Drak. the lead channel is THE overdriven Californian sound boogies are known for (and modelled!).

    i was amazed at just how heavy it can be with the EQ!

    its a real shame boogie no longer offer the EQ, it was one of their best innovations IMO...

    though, with 3 channels of the dual and triple rec, PLUS solo boost you can argue they've gone around that...

    though the old boogie do sound better - to my knowledge thats why Petrucci keeps Mark IV's in his rack for the lead tones.

    i feel much better and much more confident about making the right choice.... i always knew it was a great amp, but when you spend THAT much money (it was quite a lot more than your Rivera, Drak!!! bloody UK prices :D ) you kinda begin doubting your reasoning!

    thanks guys, really appreciate it



  11. i will be shortly selling some rack gear, so i wanted to check if someone here wants it without having to go through ebay (or with having to go thru ebay, if you would feel more comfortable...).

    right, i'm gonna need to sell:

    Mesa/Boogie 50/50 rack power amp w/ mods + Groove tube 6L6 Classic tubes in a 9.5/10 condition

    Metalhead Electronics 'Elan mkII' rack pre-amp (five 12ax7's) - boutique pre-amp, custom made in a small shop in North Hollywood, California in the 80's - 8/10 condition

    6U Gator rack case 9/10 condition

    Digitech WH1 whammy (the original!!!!!!) great condition for age, works pretty much perfect.

    i'm based in London, UK so i'd prefer to deal within the UK and europe if needs be. however all 3 electrical units CAN run in the states too (pre-amp has a 120v / 240v switching option, mesa is a US model running through a transformer, WH1 is a US model running through a transformer), so i'm willing to ship there.

    both transformers included with units.

    i need a quick sale in the start of january and i have very reasonable prices. i will most likely be putting on ebay but prior deals can be arranged.

    email me on roman_sub@hotmail.com or just send a PM

    i will be away 31 dec - 7 jan...

    so i hope this is of interest,



  12. They respond well to email if you link through to the Hollywood store at least. Wouldn't be surprised if they'd send a manual for little to no cost.

    JT in the Hollywood store is incredibly helpful and sells some killer pedals that he makes.

    could you give me a link to that store's site please?

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