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Posts posted by Nalo1022

  1. hey i rmeber seeing a post in here a while ago that either described or had a link ot making a piezo pickup out of a piezo buzzer from leik a phone or somethng and i simply cant find it after searchign for awhile so if anyone remebers or has some info simlilar to it, that would totlayy rule

  2. i was wandering if there was any way to add a resistor or some thing somewhere to make an amp think that a 8ohm spekaer was 4 ohms or vice versa......now i know directly pluggin ac etian ohm speaker into an amp meant for another can be detrimental but is there anything i can do to trick the amp?

  3. hey i was just on ebay checkin some auctions and one of the guitars has a nato neck....what is nato ive never heard of it but i dont think its all that great so any info on nato would be great. by the way the neck is gonna be trnasplanted to another guitar wichis a prototype/beater so thast another thing to cxonsider

  4. hers my story im building a guitar outta some leftover wod etc nad im tryin to find a cheap neck...the guitar isnt gonna be the greatest its gonna be more of a model/mock up/prototype so i dont want to spend to much on it.......whers the cheaapsest place to get a neck preferably freeted etc.....most websites are charginf usually in the hundreds so i was wondering if anyone knew a cheap place to obtain one. another thing i was thinking o doing was just buying a old shyte guitar form somewhere and suin the neck off of the seeing as i could prolly get aold beatup one for abotu 60-90 ish and if i did this would it be possible to take a bolt on neck and make it a set in neck on the new guitar? im tihnkin abotu using a TOM bridge so i know that affects the neck i wnat to use

    so to sum it up:

    1)whats the cheapes place to get a guitar neck

    2)would it be ok to canniblaize a shyte guitar

    3) coudl i use a bolt as a set in

  5. well i did but im not quite sure of what chemicals to use... i had somecitristrip left from another projerct and i put 2 coats on my bass each one was left on for about 30 mins each and it did nothing, so i was just wondering if anyone could give some suggestions as i dont have the casm for a heatr gun and i dont want to sand it all off

  6. i was wondering how feasible it would be to remove the dot inlays on the finder board then route out a larger shape such as the star inalys at stewmac and installing them, so would this be possible and if it is how easily can it be done....sorry im kinda a newb but i all this works out well i may have my first job workin on an instrument for someone

  7. hi, ive been reading the forum for a little bit now but this is my first time posting, but this topic peaked my intrest....would it be possible to build some sort of transducer pickup (such as this )into the brodge then cut the cord and solder on a 1/4" jack , that pickup can be found for about $40 american and if you have wood lying around you might be able to make most of the violin yourslef, but then again im extremely new to the building of any instrument so i may be totally wrong

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