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Posts posted by Nalo1022

  1. Thanks...yes i know that many of them i basically useless but im looking into some very interesting swtiching ideas and i want to know how many total possible combintaions there are just incase i do feel the need to incorporate each one into my ideas lol.

    On another note i very a kinda odd question. Would there be any serious issues with having the volume and tone pots, and switces wired a great distance away from the pickups for example say anywhere from 5-10 feet?

  2. My catalog from Mouser came in a couple days ago adn ive been flipping through it and getting random ideas. Aftr looking through all the switches and once again finding myself trying to draw up rediculous wiring schemes, i started to wonder. How many diffrent wiring combinations are there for a standard 4-conductor humbucker: in-series, out of series, parallel etc how amny total combintaions could you get out of a single humbucker? Granted i know some of the combinatiosn will ofer such subtle diffrences in sounds that you could barely notice the diffrence but im just wandering how many toall possibilities there really are?

  3. yes it can be done i got epiphone lp cheap at guitar center a while ago and i had an extra pickup lying around so one night i pulled out a drill and a dremel adn went at it.....now i unfortioantely had a couepl drinks in me...ok a lot so the souting came out a lil off......by liek 1/16th of an inch but it just barely shows around the side of the mountign ring so i made a long aplte that runs the length and mounts all 3 pickups.

    so yes it can be done fairly simply.....just dont drink when you do it

  4. after lookin through my posts i relaised i sounded a little irate adn seemd to bash the dimebucker....ive played a dimebucker adn i ahve an L500 i personally fell the L500 is alot better needless to say the dimebucker is still a great pickup. As far as tone goes well i played it through a Fender Bassman toally clean and wen you roll back the tone all the way it soudns quite nice actually.......i wouldnt exactly say it was twang but the highs are definitely present and the low end is very tight with this pickup so it doenst get very muddy.

  5. i have about 4-5 SD pickups and yes they do make some nice pickups, and Dime used a SD in the neck postioin (JB i believe), but look at it this way when has a copy ever been as good as the original.......Now i love Eggo "Homestyle waffles" but they still dont beat out the actual homemade ones. SD copied the L500 to make the dimebucker so they are in esscence the same pickup.....so why pay twice as much for a copy when you can have the original. I'm noy knocking on SD but they are by no means the holygrail of pickups.......buy the pickup and try it out if you dont want itm ill buy it from you....you could very easily post that pickup in the classifieds section and have it off your hands in a day

  6. heres a propasition for you.....buy a L500xl try it out, if you dont like it, ill buy it off of you for 50 plus shipping (the same cost as wat BL charges). Ive been meaning to get another lately anyways, and this way everyone wins

  7. I ve got a lil project guitar ive been meanign to ptu new pickups into lately, and im not lookign to spend alot and i found some good ebay deals, but the only problem is that the covers on all the pickups id be gettign are chrome and id much prefer that they be gold. My question is how hard would it be to swap the chrome covers for gold ones? Would i have to repot the pickups after i did this?

    the way i look at it all i would have to really do is:

    -unsolder the old covers

    -safely wiggle them off

    -slide on the new gold ones

    -and resolder them

    obviously if i had to re-pot the pickups that would be an added step, but this doesnt seem to difficult but i of course always liek to get a few opinions b4 i tackle a project

  8. Bill Lawrence pickups ARE what Seymour duncan copied to make the dimebucker, there "artist base" is simply them paying artists to use their name. Bill Awrence pickusp are made at their workshop wich is family run adn the quality is closely monitored......Sd pickups are made in a big factiry and there quality is allowed variances by a machine, but if you want a oveerpriced, mass-produced rip-off by all measn go ahead

  9. I recently aquired a old 2x12 cab and i need to throw some speakers in it. Im kinda tight on cash so im lookin for some cheap but good speakers. Ive done a bit of research adn foudn on ebay i can get a pair of Celestion 70/80 speakers for under 60 shipped and the reviews ont hose looked fairly good. I like to get other opinons though and i thought this would be a great palce to ask because everyone here seems to know there stuff adn theres alot of experience on this board. So in summation wat do you ppl think is the best value speaker out there. IM looking for a combitnation of 2 12" speakers that will either equal a 4 or 8 ohm load . soudn wise im open to anythin seeing as i play a varying type of music through vaarying amps, but sometihng that handles distortion well woudl be a plus.

  10. ppl either leave it in a room temp place with very litle humidty.....or they bring it to a place with a kil used to dry wood adn see if they will throw it in....last time i was ina sauna there was lots of humisity and steam that wont hlp dry out the wood if anything it will warp it

  11. I am selling ym Seymour Duncan SCreamin' Demon pickup for the bridge position. it has about 4-5 inches of lead wire left. It is F spaced. It used to be in my RGT42 but i ended up selling that adn i put the stock pickups back in it. All in all a great pickup in good condition (the usual lil scratches here and there but nothing really noticeable. So ya i have had this pickup lying aroudn for a while and ive ecided to post i here and see if anyone else can get some use out of it. I'll leave it posted ehre fora about a week or 2 before i put it up on Ebay so if you want it make me an offer.

    The pickup front

    the pickup back

    as you ca see it is labled tb12 (an f spaced screamin demon)

    P.S. i dont ahve the original box so it will ship in a SD Duncan Distortion Box but i assure you it is a Screamin' Demon

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