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Posts posted by Nalo1022

  1. if you need the pickups NOW id say go for a SD, but if you want a great sound pickup that is a great price go with a Bill Lawrence L-500xl but i do know that the wait can sometimes be a while but thats what you get when you order great pickups like bills

  2. I have a L-500 and i tihnk the clean sound is nice...just back off the tone a lil bit add some reverba dn bam youve got some nice sound but i will agree that it is one of the best lead pickups ever....and if im correct wasnt it what dime bag used and SD ripped off to make the dimebucker?

  3. maiden has the right idea except the switch would be a On/On switch. when i made mine i house it in a small enclosure on the inside of the amp secored with a couple small brackets and screws......now that ppl are talking abotu it i may have to remake it just for the hell of things

  4. you can easily add a 2x12 cab to your bandit as long as its 8 ohms i have a bandit and i actually did this for a while. I actually made a small switch so thati could choose between the internall speaker and then the extrernal cab, adn it was ll housed in a small lil box with a 1/4" jack so it was pretty handy. granted i dont have it set up liek that anymore now that im not in band

  5. http://www.guitarcenter.com/newsletter/get...ducts.cfm?sel=6

    The Alesis Multimix 8USB 8ch mixer with usb port

    i am not doing any professional recording im just looking for something thats easier and better sounding then plugging into my soundcard. Right now me and my freidns liek to just mess around with random instrumwents have a few drinks and see what comes out of it. If anyone has any other suggestions please do tell i just need something to do basic cheap recording and if it coudl hook up to a computer through usb that would also be a plus

  6. i have an XL-500 and its is by far one of the best pickups ever. and i plan to use them in future projects. If you want a dimebucker wait the extra time adn get a XL-500 in the end youll have a better product and the pickup dimebag actually used

  7. well i forgot was a "reading day" before finals so i have no classes , and i decided with the free time i would start the long annoying task of stripping my V, well i was in for a great suprise. i was taking all the hardware of the body and while doing so i chipped off a little of the paint well i kept picking and the top color color peels right off from the sealer coat so with a swiss army knife (a paint scrapers blade is too thick) i am able to peel it right off i startewd 5 seconds ago and this is wat it looks like, so this job looks like it will be very very easy....doesnt say much for jackson though.



    lmao wow i should pay more attention to my typing

  8. a while ago i go a Jackson RRV that was dinged to hell for a project and finally im thinking abotu getting around tro painting it with xmas break on its way, but i dont know what i should do. Ive got it narrowed down between an EVH style paint job or putting on a veneer,then staing and doing a burst. Either of those would be a welcome upgrade from the dinged blue finnish thats there right now.

    on a side note if i was ere to do an EVH stle job on it id fill the neck pickup hole since its been empty since i got it, butif i did a veneer id prolly get another pickup for it.

  9. i had an RG adn i had a screamin demon in it andi didnt quite liek the sound out of it....too much low end that soudned kinda flabby most liekly a r esult of the basswood. westheman is right hought you could easily fit a abttery in the control cavity its very spacious.

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