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  1. I have a real nice level well my Dad does and it's longer then my fretboard. Thanks for all the advice guys! This being my first project I've learned alot through the whole process and I'm just dying to finish this project up so I can start a new one so when I encountered this problem last night I was pissed just felt lost but you guys have helped put me on the straight path thanks alot.
  2. I'm using Martin Koch book as aguide and he recomends using 120 grit paper to level the frets. I'm not real sure about the neck being bowed. I'm fairley confident it is straight but whats the best way of telling if it's straight or not? obviously a level will sit on the frets and I know those are not level. what do you mean by frets are confirmed to be seated
  3. Thanks Anderkel! As you could imagine the frustration when I noticed how low the frets got. I'm so close to finishing my first project and this happens its annoying I feel bad for my coworkers today.
  4. I leveled the frets on my project last night and it didn't go so well. I used a flat edge to see where the low spots were and they were low in the middle of the board. I marked all the frets with a red marker and I had a long flat piece of mahogany It was the total length of the fret board and about 1 1/2 inches wide that I put 120 grit paper on. It seemed to be going fine but the problem I've encountered is my 1-3 fret was pretty much filed all the way down way below being able to play! but their is still space between my middle frets say 5-11 and my frets at the end. I don't have a good camera to post pictures but does anyone have any Idea's at why this happened and any suggestions on how to go about it next time? I know I'll have to refret 1-3 thats the first step and am I maybe better off using the radiusing block I used on the fretboard before the frets with 120 grit paper rather than using the real long piece of mahogany because I'd be in more control over where pressure will lie on the frets? ANd if theres already a tuitorial on this I'm sorry I posted could someone just link me to it I searched but didn't find anything. Thanks alot
  5. Hey guys I took some pics of my in progress work of my first build and I'd like to post them but not sure about the pixel size. I used a digital camera and uploaded them they're in my email and I was curious how I would link the 3 pics after I posted the 1st one thanks in advance for the help and sorry but I don't want to mess up with the pics.
  6. I developed a rash on my wrist from working with ebony. Itchy as all hell
  7. Thanks for the sites! How much does it cost in $$ to build an effects box on average would you say? I'm reling on the expertise of my Father to guide me in this adventure. He's 68 has been building things for 60 years. Started out with transistor radio's became a mechanic has built engines then got a pilots license and built his own plane. He's now helping me with learning proper way to use tools on my 1st guitar build (which has hit a few road bumps mostly my fault) but we're both eager to finish that one learn from are mistakes and move on.
  8. Can someone give me acouple of DIY links or any tuitorials on this board on how to build your own stomp boxes? I'm lookin to build a Chorus and maybe an Overdrive pedal similar to the Ibanez Ts808 and probably become addicted with building and just build every pedal i can think of! Thanks in advance
  9. I recently had to swap out my tone pot for my middle pickup on my strat. I didn't by any caps cause I just planned on pulling the cap out of the old pot (of course it broke). I bought some caps yesterday to install it I pulled up the diagram from seymour duncan on how to wire to make sure i put it in the right place but they have the cap on the tone pot for the neck pickup. my question is does it matter what pot the cap goes on or is more just an individual prefrence?
  10. Thanks guys you've been alot of help! I'm nearing the point of trying to start performing, and I think I might get the processor. I'll play with that then decide whethre or not the effects I'll use the most sound the way I want if not I'll probably add in single pedals.
  11. I'm wondering what if any the difference is. I have a dunlop wah-wah and a boss distortion not a real fan of this distortion peda. My question is does the processors do the same as individual pedals? I know if I goto a music shop I can plug in and find out for myself but was just interested in some individual opinions. I think I'd probably use a tube screamer a little distortion than a flanger and chorus pedal the most but any input would be most appreciated.
  12. I'm building a 25.5 scale maple flat top mahogany chambered guitar with an angled back head 2 schaller golden 50 humbuckers. I was going to make my own bone bridge but I decided not to because I wasn't to confident with setting up the Inotation being it's my first build I figure I'll get acouple builds under my belt first before I go with making my own. So that leads to my question I carved my own rap around tail piece out of ebony and I was planning on going with a 2 1/8 string spread at the saddle and 1 3/8 at the nut. I was looking at the Gotoh Nashville bridge and the Gotoh tun-omatic bridge but both are 2 1/16. I was thinking of just going with the 2 1/16 string spread but was unsure if one of those bridges would better suit my build compared to the other? I know I can get some roller bridges that have adjustable string spread but i'd like to keep how much i pay for the bridge to around $30 any info that could help will be greatly appreciated.
  13. From your previous post, it sounded like you were very happy with your guitar. Why change your opinion over it now? It still plays the same and still sounds the same as when you loved it earlier. i was just being sarcastic. i still love it. I have the RG450 I like it don't love it thats why I'm building my own chambered hollow body now. I switched out the pickups on the rg450 to Duncans Sh-1 thought the stock were just to muddy for me but that was my really own complaint and I have a little bit of trouble keeping it in tune though I'm very aggressive bender.. I'm building my own because I want prefer the 25.5 scale and I wanted to put in coil splitters but if you like it don't let anyone deter you.
  14. I am probably going to be ready to file my nut nest week. I was wondering what I should get for files? I don't want to spend the money for a whole set from Stew Macs, I was wondering if anyone could tell me what size I will definatley need and maybe a secondary that I might need to finish it off.
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