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All the specs are google-able, MIMF has $ SG plans but I will try the free dxf/dwg template I found.

But -- Are there any particular gotchas on building an SG?

My list includes:

Body balance concerns

The body typically is light, so be careful and consider

Choose neck/body woods well

dual action truss rods increase neck weight

may want to increase the body thickness a bit

extreme case = shift neck/bridge lower


SG bevels can be troublesome. I hope my eyeballs and microplaner do well

... anything else unique to SGs?

-- joe

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I donwloaded that plan also, and the free viewer like you said, but I cannot figure out how to turn the .dxf file into a usable template. The plans from guitarbuild.com had not measurements, and the free viewr I downloaded (by BRAVA) does not have a print function.

So how are you actually going to created a template frm these plans ?

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Try voloviewer, you can download it also from guitarbuild.com

Also another thing that people may find interesting is a software that allows you to use the print function and generate a .pdf file, i found it useful to print a template across several pages, the software is called PDF995, get it here

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