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Satin Finishing...


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Hey everyone. I've got this idea for a finish that I want to put on a V body that I'm making for a friend of mine. The body's gonna be mahogany, slightly channeled, with a flame maple top. But here's the kicker.

I want to put a satin-looking finish on it, with orange and black - somewhat like tiger stripes. Why? Well, remember those horrible old tiger-striped pants your sister wore back in '84, when she was dancin' around in her bedroom to Bon Jovi songs? That's the look I want to re-create.

I've read all of the awesome information about finishing here, and it's really been informative. But I haven't been able to find any examples of this type of finish - sorta like fuzzy-lookin' trapped behind a glass wall.

Anyone have any ideas on what I'd use? techniques? examples?

Thanks in advance

Edited by heugel
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Tiger straps is what I want for my guitar also.. But I am planning to stain the maple first with waterbased dyes, probably with a reddish yellow and then apply clear nitrocellulose lacquer coats. I've never thought of satin lacquer for my top but I will definitely use satin for the back of the neck.

I've never seen any info about Satin finish on a flame maple either. But the oldest rule always work.. "Test on scrap"

You may find out that satin finish couldn't handle that fuzzy look you want. Then you may want to test some scraps with Matte finish. Then you may not be satisfied with the color, then you may decide to stain the wood first for a deeper looking colors. Then maybe you will end up something else that you've never planned to.. but something you'll love..:D

If you have enough amount of scrap pieces of your maple, it won't be too hard to achieve the finish you want with a little effort on experimenting.

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I suggest going out to a thrift store finding a pair of those pants and cutting and glueing them to fit to the guitar - that would give you a fuzzy look haha. B)

-Jamie :D

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