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How DARE you defile the holy Marshall name!!! (with tongue firmly in cheek!)

I have a modded JCM900 100 head, and alot of people talk about that model having a fairly yuck tone... Mine had 5881s in it originally, but i had it changed to El34s... and the sound, on both the clean and crunch channel is wonderful.

I am not too sure what the mods were (exept that the amp is smoother sounding, more THE Marshall tone). It is now the best sounding amp I have played through- its just a great tone.

That said, it used to blow valves and fuses all the time, but after the conversion to El34s, I have never had a problem).

Wasnt there the old joke that the differnce between a Marshall and a Peavey is that you can take the Peavey out of your room and it will still work!

kind regards,


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There IS a reason that Marshall is played by many Pro's and is still the amp company with the best reputation. There is no denying that and I still have a Marshall here in case I need that Marshall sound. It's just that their quality is not on par with their prices/reputation anymore and that I prefer the warm American tone of Peavey & Mesa.

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Oh, yeah, definately. 1/2 the price of a Marshall has to be for its name. Laney is generally cheaper (well, when I bought my amp it was) and it was a comperable unit. Even valve marshalls are pcp based, and AFAIK, the preamp of the JCM900 is mainly diode based. I have even had the reverb stop working on my amp, only to find that a wire had snapped (its an accutronics tank, but I have no idea how that wire came loose)

Expensive, noisey, unrelaiable- but like my dogs, I couldnt live without it.

Which model Peaveys do you use? I have only tried the Vintage 30, it is was a great combo.

Mesas are great too- i think that alot of the 'mods' that Marshall players used to get were to try and sound like Mesas.

My marshall is not patricularly high gain, compared to, say, a mesa. Over the Xmas break, I am hoping to make a new overdrive or clean boost for it. I have a Hotcake, which really is a great unit if anyone was thinking about trying one out- To my ears, it sounds very much like a cranked Vox (that singing Brian May sound).

Maybe mine is just a GOOD Marshall.

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Which model Peaveys do you use?

The 5150 with a Peavey 412MS cab. Since I bought it my search for tone is over.

I am just 100% happy. I have the famous Marshall 6101LM Anniversary 3 channel amp here and in our rehearsal room I play over a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier head with a VHT box as well as over the Marshall JMP1 tube preamp some times. As you see the 5150 has real famous and high-priced competition here, but I still like it's sound way better. In fact I did not even switch on the Marshalls in nearly a year. :D

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well ill put my 2 cents in

for the first question. ill play a solidstate anyday, tubes are warm, but they also have something about them that i think plays with your sound too much. my fav. ss' are definitly peavey's, they just have that "feel and touch" to them. i have my little bandit 112, and my marshall g100hcd, and even though the marshall sounds good, i prefer teh peavey. im actually gonna go buy a peavey dirty dog distortion pedal so i get some of that feel transfered.

for the second question..... im not a big knowledge on tubes, but i hear the EL34 is the best.. dont take my opinion for it though, i dont know if ive even ever played on one, all i know is the best sounding tube amp ive ever used is the peavey jsx.. it plays beautifully

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