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Helping Wiring A Bridge


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Hi, I´m having a hard time trying to solder a ground bridge wire to a chrome bridge. I sanded it a little bit to solder in that spot but to no avail, the solder doesn´t stay, it comes off easily. Does anybody have a tip on how to solder this kind of material? maybe I´m doing something wrong, please help.

Edited by albertop
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I have never soldered a ground wire to a bridge.... that being said, I have laid the ground wire underneath the bridge and soldered it to a peice of conductive foil. The bridge sits on top of the foil ensuring proper grounding. This technique is helpful for rear routed instruments, or instrument in which minimal routing is done. The bridge can simply be taken off without any concern for desoldering it or pushing slakc wire back inside the body after soldering it in the first place.



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:D soldering a wire to the bridge? Kinda weird... anyway. I had to solder a wire to a chrome piece once too (but it wasn't a bridge). I sanded it... nothing, I scratched it... nothing. Then i tought that something to fix it would be nice. I soldered the wire normally, then took a eletronics adhesive and put ove the solder, then, with the soldering iron still hot, burned a little the adhesive (so it stayed on the place B) ). Anyway, hope it helps! C ya!
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You always ground the bridge. When you see a diagram showing ground to bridge, it doesn't necessarily mean soldered. The only time I actually solder it is when it is a tremolo with a spring claw. In the case of a fixed strat bridge, you can just squash the groud wire under it, or better yet, do what bassman said with the foil tape and solder. Nice tip there.

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hey, i did this to an LP. i managed to get a good joint, but the soldering iron didnt do it. i ground a flat on it, then got the solder handy. put the gas stove on, and heated the stuf on it for quite a while, then started adding solder, EVENTUALLY! i got it to solder, rembering that when you want it to solder, take it out of the flames!

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