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Ok, I Am Not Crazy

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nah, i just got it all cut, its only good for one blank, both ends where damaged (had 2 nice long cracks about 2 feet long each end) so i just took my trusty skill saw (ohh yea, 4 inchs thick, i had to turn that sucker over and make another pass over top, LOL) and just marked off 1 inch away from the crack (just incase of anymore potential cracking) and cut them off there

I still had enough wood left over to make 1 and a 3/4 bodies, so i start examining the wood more closely, and wouldnt you know it, bam, right in the middle of my peice is a knot, bout half an inch diameter, so, i go 2 inchs on each side, and ziiiiiiiiiiiing, that peice is out of there, i then laid the peices together, laid my template on top, made sure everything was going to fit with no troubles, I then noticed a second knot, and this time, it was right at the end, so, i stratigicly placed it where i would cut away when cutting the body, i quickly checked the peices again, nope, no more knots, so, after a sigh of relief, i made 2 lines accross both peices and marked both as TOP since its going to be ther top :D

I asked co worker at work today (since boss is gone) if i could bring them in and put on the jointer, plane them and laminate them, and he said no problem since i will be sanding, laminating, jointing and planing tommorow B)

Part 2 (LOL)

I have decided on my neck wood, Brown Maple, its fairly inexpensive and apparently, from what I have heared it is not as bright as maple and just as stable, so I will use that with an ordered fretboard, which i believe is rosewood, but I will know once I get back in contact with him

So whats next?

Heres what I got in mind:

1)Trace body outline onto body blank

2)Cut the body out, do some rough edge sanding and such

3)Rout neck pocket, pickups, and control cavity

4)Start sanding like a mad man

6)do all final sanding with 800-1000 grit paper, then apply sealer (CA glue)

7)Start shooting some primer and paint

8)Start neck(get wood, start laying out my template)

9)Route truss rod

10)taper neck (I am going to leave 15/16 on each side for final sanding)

11)Profile the neck (close to Wizard thickness)

12)Cut out headstock

13)Route truss rod access

14)Attach fingerboard

15)Final sanding of neck, tape off FB and apply stain

Then assembling the guitar and such, but I think you figured that out!!

Anything I am missing? or something you want to add? or correct me on? Let me know!!


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