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Hi Everyone...

My name is Carl Davidsson, 18 years old...live in Sweden...

I´m all new to guitarbuilding, however I´ve been playing for 8 years now..

I got one of them kit guitars to get me started a while ago...but I haven´t been able to assemble it yet...When I bought it I lived in a house with an empty garage where I was going to paint it..But my parents moved to Australia and I now live in an apartment since I´ve got to graduate...wich leaves me with nowhere to work...So I´m getting someone else to paint it for me...wich leaves only the assembly (and paintjob design) to me...

However I´m moving to Oz next year and will get started on building guitars from scratch there...until then I just wanna read up on as much information on building guitars as possible...and hopefully also provide some of my knowledge on guitars to this forum...

I´ve been doing alot of reading here already and I gotta say this forum REALLY kicks ass....


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Yeah...Australia sure is a wonderful country...lived there for 10 months once before..going to visit my family in 2 weeks..really looking forward to it.. Another plus is that it seems to a lot easier to get supplies for building guitars in australia than in sweden...

:D .. Are there any austrlians on this forum??

Edited by aidlook
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