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A Guitar Put Together In Photoshop


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I think you need to do it in real life, :D

well, seriously speaking ir nice... just because is blue and I love blue! Loose the pickguard, unless you like it and move the neck up 2 frets to have better higher fret access. Headstock looks OK but I like it a bit shorter on a 3+3 ;like the PRS one.

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I was actually thinking of doing it in real life! :D

Do you think it would be to hard for a first build?

I also love blue, my Jackson is blue metallic.

I'm not sure about the pickguard, I have to think about that for a while..

I took the headstock from the Euphoria, i didn't change anything on it besides the color of the tuning pegs.

i also took the top of the euphoria but changed the color to blue.

Thanks for the comments!


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Nicely drawn pic. But to be honest I don't like the combination much. That headstock has the PRS/Gibson/etc. look and vibe and the body looks simply stock Ibanez and shredder style. Both styles don't match at least to my eyes. It looks as if you combine a picture of a human from photos from several different humans(i.e. head from one person, body from another) => simply somehow not really matching. Sorry.....but in the end I think it's quite pointless what others think about your design as long as you like it. I bet some people would not like the designs I do, but I tweak them until I think they're perfect and that's what matters.

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