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Looking To Learn Slide


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ok, metal was fun for 10 years, now its time for some diversity. i want to learn slide. im thinking the slide part in free bird is a good easy part to start with, is this right? my technique isnt so great so could anyone give me tips or maybe a site with tips.

thanks in advance


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Learning slide can be a little weird and unproductive at first. A few rules of thumb, you don't press down on the strings. So you have to get used to a very light touch, can be very difficult to control on the unwound strings. Its much easier to play with heavy gauge strings and action set way up there. Have a look at the way resonator guitars are set up for slide playing. Some actually employ nut extensions. I like using a chrome slide, just a steel tube on my pinky. Some people like glass, brass etc. you have to decide for yourself.

Playing slide involves the use of your ears much more than just regular playing. Its like playing a fretless instrument. You know where the notes should be by the fret positions but getting them exactly right is up to what you hear.

Slide playing is much easier when the guitar is set in some form of open tuning. Lots of blues played that way, with lots of vibrato gives a nice effect and keeps notes from sounding sour. Pretty much ANY open tuning involves full chords across all 6 strings that work together in open, 5th, 7th and 12th fret positions.

That should get you started. As far as any websites, just hit the Google search button, type in "slide guitar playing" and I'm sure you will hit paydirt in a short time.

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thanks for the tips. i played around at guitar center the other day and liked the way a metal slide sounded with my dano and gretsch. im thinking about tuning my danelectro to open g and just whitlling away with that. the touch part is what was getting me mostly. the action is set up particularly high on all of my guitars so it shouldnt be too long before ive got it down. just some practice and some good music is all i need.

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that tip helps a lot. i was wondering if i should do that. the radio on the fritz sound seemed a little weird as i only really ever heard the overtones on led zeppelin recordings. i was also getting just as much overtone from the string behind the slide than i was from the string in front of it on my smaller strings up towards the end of the fretboard. the only problem i see is its a little hard to do and sometimes it dampens the strings. i guess ill just play around for a little while. in the meantime ill just google it and see if i can find some tutorials.

Edited by Meegs666
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that tip helps a lot. i was wondering if i should do that. the radio on the fritz sound seemed a little weird as i only really ever heard the overtones on led zeppelin recordings. i was also getting just as much overtone from the string behind the slide than i was from the string in front of it on my smaller strings up towards the end of the fretboard. the only problem i see is its a little hard to do and sometimes it dampens the strings. i guess ill just play around for a little while. in the meantime ill just google it and see if i can find some tutorials.

Cool, the transition from metal to slide guitar....ahhh :DB)

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well ive come to terms with the fact that shredders got most of their tricks from classical guitarists. tapping and trem picking and sweeps all came from classical guitar. so maybe we just all go through that period where we wanna go back to the roots of things. so i wanted to learn something that takes some thought and has some history to it and didnt require me dusting off the old nylon stringer.

oh, and i just got john 5's new album. this guy went from playing in marilyn manson to doing country and blues inspired prog metal sounding guitar songs. its really inspiring me. that and ive always loved the allman brothers and lynyrd skynyrd. led zeppelin was from britain and they even got in on the country and blues thing. i bought a danelectro dc-3 because jimmy page had dc-2 and i just realized it sounds great for slidework. thats exactly why he had it too.

have you heard some of these slide guys? thats some speed and talent that rivals steve vai, and i dont usually compare to anyone to vai. i just found an old ernie ball recording that my grandparents had. its really making me reconsider my basis in music. its a challenge too, its been a while since ive had a good challenge.

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