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Iron Maiden Stratocaster?


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I realy don't like (or not too much) from No prayer for the Dying, and you know who join then! The melody madness that Maiden was known for died then, altho songs like Holy Smoke and tailgunner still had a bit of the speedy gallop that it was their signature. Once Bruce left in 1994 I thought that Maiden was dead, and I remember on an interview with Steve, he mentioned that it will take a darn good singer to fill his place, "somebody with fire in his belly" he said... and then this guy shows up, (Bayley) with his lame voice to fill in the boots left by Bruce, please! Songs like Man on the Edge, Sign of the Cross, Blood on th eWolrd Hands, The Edge of Darkness, and The Clansman to name a few have the definite Maiden sound, but the voice don't go with them, his voice was too deep for Maiden, and now that Bruce is back there is still a tangible that needs to be corrected, Look at the Rock in Rio DVD and tell me on that band who is out of place. I see them and everybody looks in unison, but geers, he is in a corner doing his dance moves, running his hand above and below the fret board, like if he was playing while the others pick up the slack,

Don't get me wrong (at least not completely) Janick is an outstanding musician, and I like the work he did with Bruce on the solo carreer, but his style don't belong in Maiden, is like putting satriani or vai to play with Slayer (a bit exagerated but you get the idea)

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I saw a video of The Trooper at Rock in Rio some time ago and during the solo which I love, Janick, who looked REALLY messed up was playing all out of time and it wasn't very pleasant :D

If I was adrian smith I would have just gone over there and pushed him off the stage! :D

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