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Sanding/cutting Flush And Straight

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I was installing a new nut last night and it was way too high, so I took to filing and sanding it down. The bottom came out much less than perfect. It had a pretty good slant to it. I'm disappointed in how in turned out. Any tips for keeping stuff like this flush and straight?

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To really tell what your doing you need some kind of small bench vise to keep the nut perfectly held in place. Stew Mac sells a great one for this application and you can find it at this link... You should then be able to see if your filing the nut straight or not with this setup. I would recommend first off though that you buy a nut that is flat on the bottom, or curved if you nut area is ala Fender, that way your only filing away the top and leaving the bottom alone so it will be perfect. Making a great nut for a guitar takes patience and alot of practice. Good luck

MaTT Vinson

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Measure and mark out how much you want to remove. Its much easier to know where to stop when you have an ink line. Your sandpaper should be set on a hard , flat surface if the nut is the flat bottom type. And use even pressure. Check with a straight edge and with a square. If you start to get any angles or curves due to uneven pressure, take them down with a small file. Take your time and check your progress constantly.

Edited by Southpa
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I have got a piece of 300mm x 300mm x 10mm glass and stuck some emery paper to it.

This gave me a perfectly flat surface ,then I marked the nut with ink so I could see any hi spots.Keep turning the nut around and - TAKE YOUR TIME

Greg W

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