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Trem To Body Repair

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Have strat body with 6 holes for trem drilled 25 and 3/8s from nut which is to far by 1/8" what is the best remody? I thought of drilling and dowling these holes the cavity is in the right place need some expert help as to wether this would be an acceptable method

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Devon said he wasnt to knowledgabl about term bridges and i dont recall you answering follow up question is there a problem? sorry. i figure i'd get some more input as to what to fill the holes with ect. figured that was more likely to happen if i repost. in any case if anyone else has this problem or a stripped screw hole try theZAR EPOXY Wood Patch seems pretty strong and supposedly takes on the same density as the wood anyway didnt mean to ruffle any feathers there haggardguy

Edited by oli
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