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...How to mount pkps from the rear that don't break the surface...you know, 'hidden pkps'...cuz I ain't using no dag-nabbed router on THIS!

I've gone spalt-crazy, someone please help me. :D:D:DB)

PS, be sure to click on the 'big picture' to be wowie-zowied into spalted submission.

I see 3, maybe 4 tops there, so actually, the price is quite reasonable.

PPS, if you have picture editing software, download the pic and flip it around the right way to see it properly. I don't know why he always hosts his pics upside down like he does. B)

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Drak, I have been thinking about doing this on the next guitar, since I'm diggin the look of the 707 pickup on my 7 string. I have looked at Perrys site for how he did his brown guitar, but I don't want to do a hollow body like his.

What I came up with was to rout the pickup hole with a template to cut a pickguard and then using a bit like this with a bearing on the shank and work my way up from the bottom. It should give me enough clearance to ba able to slide the pup in from the front.

If not then I will like if I was doing a semihollow, but just the area that the pups will go into, then glue the top and rout the pup holes.

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I figured I would just route from the back up to about 1/8" away from going thru, use some sort of easily removable adhesive to hold them there, and just make a cool looking cover for the back.

I have an idea in mind for the cover, but don't want to spoil the surprise. :D

Oh, and to recess the neck and bridge into the top a little to get the strangs closer to the hidden pkps.


Nice link! Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' boud!

Except the covers. I've already thought about it, and I like the look of black hardware (maybe, I usually prefer gold) and black pkp covers with spalted wood. The black helps to set off the spalt, my opinion.

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right.. i was just saying as an alternative to hiding them under the surface.. playability might be a factor with no ruum under the strings.. this, at a quick glance looks like total spalt surface but still gives you freedom of height adjustable pups.

Gorgeous wood too. A buddy of mine said they taught them at a wood turning class how to spalt their own wood.. there are methods apparently to trick wood into developing the figure over several months with mold spores instead of just waiting to find it in nature..

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WHile I realize that generally neo magnets are to strong for pickups... perhaps they could be used (very small ones of course) in a pickup that would be mounted far from the strings, as in hidden in the body. This is something I may attempt to do. My main concern would be with the the loss of low end, but the neo mags might compensate for the big gap.

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Send a PM to the member mushytheshroom. His guitar (the Nebula; won GOTM a couple months back) imbedded all the electronics and the pickup -between- his back piece of wood and the top piece so as to not break the wood's pattern on either side. Granted, you have to use high quality electronics so they don't wear out and you can't get to them, but the look can't be beat. He could give you a lot more detail on how he did it.

And if you do PM him, tell him I said hi!

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