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40w+40w Stereo Amp


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I've been in the process of hunting down a couple of amp projects to play around with. Mostly this one, but there have been a couple others that just didn't turn out well.

Anywho, I've been googling for quite a bit now looking for a 40W+40W stereo amp (40 watts per channel) DIY project. At the risk of being burned, I will say this is not for a guitar setup or anything, just knowing the vast electronics knowledge that is on this board, I might have some luck finding someone that knows a bit about where to find something like this.

What I'm looking for is a car amp to build. I don't need an EQ or barely even a pre-amp stage, rather just the power amp by itself. Dual, clean channel power amp. My plan is to build two of them, one for the front speakers, one for the rear, and then just run my iPod directly into it. That means 12V input instead of 120V, and something that can be made relatively small. Not tiny or microboard or something along those lines, just, well...smaller than a normal amp.

I figure it would be fine to ask around here as it is still an amp project, though not a guitar amp project. If anyone has a source they could link me to, or a nudge (or shove) in the right direction to find out, I would be ever so grateful.

Thanks in advance!

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Hey, I'm as DIY-happy as the next guy, but it's probably going to be cheaper to buy an amp than it would be to build anything of any real quality. Most of the IC chip amps are gonna require a power supply well above 12 volts to get you anywhere much above 10 watts, and hybrid or discrete designs are going to present layout and noise challenges that I know I'm not up to coping with (in addition to the power supply issues).

:D Out of curiosity, what the heck do you need 40 watts inside a car for? Can you say tinnitus? :D Don't worry, 10 watts will make you just as deaf, it'll just take longer.

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in this case longer is definitely better. i just consider myself lucky that the ringing in my ears is two different pitches that are pretty much in harmony.

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LK, I don't know what the kids do in your area of the country but I help one guy out that has 1400 watts per channel of Memphis Sound in his Explorer. I will not sit in it. I put about 6 farads, YES, 6 farads of capacitors in his supply line and two more TRUCK batteries with 2/0 welding cable feeding the amps. I have a modest Sony Xplode with 35 watts X 4 in my work truck so I can groove while I work in the rock quarries by leaving the doors open. That is WAY too loud to crank while you occupy the VEEHICKLE. The amp you want is available from Walmart for $42.00. Not a DIY project, in my opinion, as the HEATSINK alone will cost you twice that to buy seperately.

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