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Just wax-potted a pickup!


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Hey guys!

A while back i posted about my friend/bandmate's RG7620 with the squeeling Dimarzio Blaze in the bridge.Well, last night, we decided to wax pot it. We also decided to try an alternative method.... working under the { probably false } assumption that wax is wax is wax, we melted down a couple of those miniature 'tea lights'. You know, those cheap little disc-shaped candles that you can float on water. They're just paraphen { sp? } , i think. Melted them in a ghetto double-boiler { juice glass in a saucepan of water :D }, dipped the pickup even though the temperature was a little too high { about 160 degrees }, pulled it out a while later, rewired, and tried it out... The pickup is totally feedback-free! Even with tons of gain and volume on his 5150, no squeeks, no squeels. This is a really really cheap { the tea light candles costed about $2 }, easy, and essential mod. Go do it now! { Arnold voice } DO EET NOW!

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