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I am building a les paul style guitar, and I know you have to use 500k pots for the volume controls, but do you have to use 250k pots for the tone, or 500s? also, where is a good place to buy cheaper long shaft pots? stewmacs seem expensive.


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i don't have seen any wiring schematics with 250 k pots for tone.... gibson uses 300k pots for volume though. so if u want to use 250k pots i would use them for volume control. the lower u choose the resistance the more highs u will loose.

allparts.com has long shaft pots for 8$.. these are a little bit cheaper. i don't think you'll be able to find them much cheaper.


http://www.specialtyguitars.com/electronics.html has some pots that are less expensive.

Edited by V S
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actually gibson uses 500k now, they used 300k many years ago. since most people seem to think that 250k isn't appropriate for humbuckers. personally i think that the 250k sounds better but i also like 1M too.

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I am actually using mightymite motherbuckers in both the neck and bridge, both very high output pickups (I just hope the neck can still get clean), so it would probably be best to use 500k pots for volume (cuz thats what most people use with humbuckers) and either 250k or 500k pots for tone. which would you suggest


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