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Your Opinions Please --ebay Harness


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Did you actually read the entire thing, including where I said there was no point in paying for that guy for a wiring harness when you can do it yourself?  I thought it was clear that it was sarcasm.  Read in context, it should be crystal clear.  You did read the rest of it, didn't you?

Actually, yes, I did read the entire thing.

But no... I don't exactly see where you said "there was no point in paying for that guy for a wiring harness when you can do it yourself". I still can't see where you said that, so I would appreciate it if you would point it out to me... my old eyes would appreciate it also.

Then you might want to look again.

First, it starts with:

+2.  Nothing in that auction is going to be better than what lovekraft described.  That guy is just looking to prey upon the "vintage is better" crowd.  In some ways vintage is better, but not in the terms of electronics.

Then I wrap it up with...

Nothing against him though, it's just not worth the money he's asking, especially for the 4 pots harnesses he wants over $60 for.

And to be truthful, I also didn't understand what you meant by

And there's no reason not to harvest caps if you want to, but they're so cheap that there's no reason to unless you want to.

I read that several times... and I still ain't got a clue. I would appreciate it if you could explain it to me so next time I can see the crystal clarity of it all.

Someone asked it if was ok to harvest capacitors from existing gear they've got. I said there was no reason not to do it that I know of, other than the fact that capacitors are so cheap that I didn't see the point in doing it unless you wanted to.

I get the impression you're intentionally being a troll. I'm observant like that. :D

You label me a troll because I question something you claim you said, but didn't... and then you post something that is suppose to support your claim... but doesn't?

While I may be missing something in your posts. I no longer think it's my eyes. I can clearly see what ain't there. And so can everyone else.

What you could do is go back and edit your posts... put the phrase you think you said into them.

Hey... that would really make me look like a fool. Don't ya think? :D

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Is there a full moon tonight or what? :D

I use fancy caps, but I don't pay 10 bucks for 'em. I buy NOS in lots off of ebay, about $1.00 a cap, still overpriced, but I like their shiny silver bodies (well, green in the case of the NOS Russian Military caps).

I know on another forum, I asked about Callaham's cryogenically treated pots and switches, and was almost laughed off that forum. LOL Sometimes, a question doesn't seem so stupid until you ask it. :D

What do you guys think about the quality pot argument? So many people choose to buy CTS pots to replace the cheap ones in import guitars. Is there any good reason to do so?

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What do you guys think about the quality pot argument? So many people choose to buy CTS pots to replace the cheap ones in import guitars. Is there any good reason to do so?
There can be - a lot of better imports use the same Alpha pots that I use, but I've seen quite a few with total trash installed as well. Replacing the truly wretched stuff is definitely worthwhile, whether you use CTS, CGE, Alpha, Ohmeg, Panasonic or whatever. Pretty much any change would be an improvement for some imports.
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What do you guys think about the quality pot argument? So many people choose to buy CTS pots to replace the cheap ones in import guitars. Is there any good reason to do so?

As lovekraft stated, it depends on what is in there. Usually my only gripe on most cheap imported guitars is the electronics, so I replace all the electronics in a clean sweep. I just put an EMG S set in my Squier Strat, and it's just about perfect now. Of course, with all the upgrades I've put into it, it's well into the price of a Mexican Fender, which is an overall better guitar (thicker body, slightly better feel), but oh well. I fell in love with the feel of the guitar when I picked it up the first time, so to me it is worth it.

Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas...

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But the cheap pots don't affect the tone, right? It's just that they fall apart/get all scratchy pretty quickly?

Anyway, I'm a born harvester....when I was a kid, I used to build my own bicycles...always had six or seven at a time...weird things, like I had one with three front forks on there...front wheel went out about five feet in front...that was a fun one... used to scour the neighborhood on trash day, always found lots of parts...

So here I am, a few (*cough*) years later, and now it's guitars...same thing... :D

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No, it takes a really bad pot to interfere with the tone - basically, if a pot turns freely and smoothly, measures fairly close to spec, and doesn't make noise in circuit when you turn it, it's completely useable. If it feels tight, overly loose or gritty at any point in the shaft's travel, reads 25% or more out of spec, or makes noise when moved, trash it. Just remember that a used pot is going to have to be replaced a lot sooner than a brand new one, unless the new pot is trash to begin with.

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