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My Bands New Mp3

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So we agree here that a compressor is DEFINITLY needed on this recording.

Set the peak level for somewhere around -0.1db (or 0DB if you can guarantee it works perfectly)

Id also agree and say -10db SHOULD be enough to clear the noise floor from your recording and maintain all the parts being heard... you may have to lower this to perhaps -15DB but thats something you will need to experiment with.

Although something else which would be wise here is (imo) start again completly.

Mic the drums up, and make sure (if possible) that there is as little spill between mics as possible. Make sure all tracks are level if possible, and then get them so during recording.. the average peaks at approx -6DB

once youve finished recording EQ etc until happy and then do as Greg has said and bring it all up to -0.1DB and cut off at somewhere at -10DB ish

~~ TS ~~

Edited by TenderSurrender
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No offense but the name isn't really in discussion right now, we've done too much flipping around with different names (we've done a lot: Manilla Folders, Bliss, None Of The Above --that was already taken and we foudn that out like 4 months into it-- Elbow, 9023, and now EBO) and EBO is the best for us, and we have to stick with one. I'll check out that plug in. I think I get it; so what it does is while your recording it keeps the input at the threshold level, and when your done, you can amplify the whole thing to the limiter level? Tender, what did u mean when you said "cut off at -10"?

and we were definitely gonna start over on it.

Edited by silvertonessuckbutigotone
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No offence taken about the name thing. "EBO" sounds cool, but I'm just not a fan of the way the grammar takes a toll on my sensibilities. :D

If you want to know about how the limiter works, you could download the GUI version from betabugsaudio.com, or get the limiter from GVST:


(along with all the other BetabugsAudio and GVST stuff, all of which I wrote the manuals for. :D )

The threshold is basically the level at which the compressor/limiter starts to do its thing. So when you lower it, you are telling the limiter to do more work. The end result is that the final file has a louder 'sound' to it. But you can also screw up the sound of a file with too much compression. The dynamics are taken right out of it, so you can't even enjoy the sound of the guitarist 'backing off' a bit because it's all so dang loud now.

-10 is a fairly aggressive threshold, but it shouldn't kill your audio. I've seen people go much lower and get good results, but I like maintaining dynamic range.


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Ok. I'm gonna be completely honest. I laughed.

I kinda get the vibe, the whole screaming Christian thing is kinda new. Thats alright though, it takes practice and learning from mistakes is how you evolve.

Whenever the guitar solo came in I felt it was extremely out of place. Except maybe at about 3:30 mins into the song. That was alright.

Your screaming is also throughing your voice off, I don't think you have the range to go back and forth from screaming to singing.


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thats not the same person whos singing and screaming, the lead singer screams/yells, and the drummer sings. and btw its rewritten now, and we will rerecord sometime durring our winter recess from school. the guitar part matches the genre, and we're gonna record drums (hopefully) and we will probably use a compressor.

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thats not the same person whos singing and screaming, the lead singer screams/yells, and the drummer sings.  and btw its rewritten now, and we will rerecord sometime durring our winter recess from school.  the guitar part matches the genre, and we're gonna record drums (hopefully) and we will probably use a compressor.

Glad to here it dude :D

Hope it all goes well, dont forget to chuck us the link for it!!

~~ TS ~~

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thats not the same person whos singing and screaming, the lead singer screams/yells, and the drummer sings.  and btw its rewritten now, and we will rerecord sometime durring our winter recess from school.  the guitar part matches the genre, and we're gonna record drums (hopefully) and we will probably use a compressor.

Ahh ok..Keep us posted. :D

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  • 3 months later...

hey guys, so i hefty update here. the band pretty much broke up, and we started a new one (some of the same guys). we dont have a name yet so our mp3 is just being played on the old myspace. we've drastically changed our sound and we're basically metalcore now. if you cant stand really heavy stuff, either dont listen to it, or dont tell me, because that doesnt help. heres the link.


constructive criticism only please.

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Barring any criticism on the singing, I would like to hear more rhythm from the guitar. I don't hear much "metal" in this "metalcore," so some major riffage is definately in order. The drum parts could also use a bit of diversity. Also, being a bassist, I would like to hear more bass in the mix. :D

Overall, many many many times better than the first song you posted here. Good work!

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Its not really my sort of music, but I've been exposed to plenty of this sort of thing from my brother and peers, so I know what to compare it to :D

I definitely think it needs some sort of more memorable riff

I dont think I could even hear the bass, so I would agree that it needs more presence in the mix.

The recording is still distorted pretty bad, but I suppose thats because you used Audacity and not a professional studio :D

The bit I really dont like is the sort of quieter bit that keeps coming in where it sounds like a load of short repeated notes and then as hammer on. Theres one of them around 39 seconds in. Its just my opinion, but I think it doesnt fit.

All the above is all criticism, but overall I think its pretty good. As I said, not really what I'd choose to listen to, but I can appreciate it.

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The bit I really dont like is the sort of quieter bit that keeps coming in where it sounds like a load of short repeated notes and then as hammer on. Theres one of them around 39 seconds in. Its just my opinion, but I think it doesnt fit.

thats one of the things i hate most about the recording. the drums arent high enough, and i need to add an open hi hat and kick drum along with the snare. the goal in that part is to get a really loud, raunchy, attacky, dissonant punch there. but the way i mixed that part didnt work out the way i wanted it to.

drums: i used a drum machine, so its basically 2 or 3 different drum loops over and over. the real drums have much more double bass, and attack, and variation.

bass: we're working on that, for now its just playing the root note of the guitar chords.

the whole riffage thing: its hardcore, aka no lead instrument, aka memorable riff=minimal... i mean its kind of like the chariot and as i lay dying mixed, in that its a somewhat structured song, but the structure isnt carried out the whole song, its still somewaht chaotic.

thanks for the input guys keep it coming.

Edited by silvertonessuckbutigotone
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the whole riffage thing: its hardcore, aka no lead instrument, aka memorable riff=minimal... i mean its kind of like the chariot and as i lay dying mixed, in that its a somewhat structured song, but the structure isnt carried out the whole song, its still somewaht chaotic.

The thing is, it ISN'T chaotic at all. It sounds to me like the guitar is just straight quarter notes for the most part.

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i know what you mean, but by chaotic i meant theres no set chorus, or verse structure. we've actually sort of been messing around with it in one of the last choruses instead of doing the straight droning with the chords, have the root note alternate from the actual chords note to an open on the low D (we played tuned to drop D) in double time. it gives it the more fast paced climatic feel.

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