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New Guts


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I have a new set of pots and a switch that look like this. Same as the old ones, but sturdier, and the switch has a curved bottom.

My problem is that the schematic Ibanez gives me shows three wires for the humbuckers instead of the two I have. There's one white and one wrapped around the white.

I really messed up and cut everything without labeling it or taking a picture. It's a nice guitar and I'd like to get it rewired. Can anyone help?

Edited by sexybeast
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The white wire is the "hot" It goes to the switch. The one wrapped around it is the ground.

Thanks, man. Problem is that I'm stupid so I need someone to show me where each wire actually goes. I know, pathetic.

I got the body all fixed, the neck the way I like it and the trem just right but I should have made a diagram.

I don't get the eight poles on the switch and only three hot wires yet. I also don't know how to wore the pots together.

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this should help. Just imagine all the single coils are humcuckers or whatever is in there.

Your switch is just like the one in the diagram just imagine the four poles on the right are underneath the four on the left.

The weird symbol on the end of the black wires from the pickup means ground it. You solder all those together on the back of the volume and run a wire from there to the output jack.

Basicly just imagine the four poles on the right are under the four on the left and you have your diagram. Just follow that and you shouldn't have any problems.

Edited by Godin SD
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