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Strat 2-post Trem Position?

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actually, i have the post to post width (which happens to be the same as the outer screw width). however, i am curious of the actual location of the holes to the body. the reason i ask is that the stewmac trem templates show the wilkinson 2 post hole locations to be about 2mm to right of the vintage screw holes, however, when measuring, it seems like the screw holes center up fine with the 2 point trem. i just don't think i know more than stewmac, however, my measurements seem to tell me different. oh, btw, i am using a lr baggs x-bridge which should be a direct replacement for a strat 2 point trem.

am i splitting hairs here?

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the reason i ask is that the stewmac trem templates show the wilkinson 2 post hole locations to be about 2mm to right of the vintage screw holes, however, when measuring, it seems like the screw holes center up fine with the 2 point trem. i just don't think i know more than stewmac, however, my measurements seem to tell me different. oh, btw, i am using a lr baggs x-bridge which should be a direct replacement for a strat 2 point trem.

am i splitting hairs here?

first off is the string spacing the same on the two point trem as the vintage trem if it is you should be able to mount it in place of the out screws no problem.

im trying to visualize this and not having a ton of luck.... do you have any pictures of the guitar and/or bridge in question. i have a strat with a vintage trem myself and a picture of the bridge i can work off would be nice


ok i researched it and i found some info on the bridge... according to what i found you should be able to mount it directly where the vintage trem outer screws are... now is this being done to a pre existing body or are you going to cut a body in the strat style and mount this bridge?

because if its pre-existing you can just place the bridge in the position stew mac tells you and then where the outer screws for the vintage trem are.. that way at least visually you can line it up and see which looks right maybe even get a real low gauge string and see how it lines up that way

Edited by jimhndrx3
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