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Ever Just Know You've Set Yourself Up For Anger?

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I'm doing a really basic little project... essentially a hot-rodded and personalized version of Koch's lap steel "plank". Most of it has been done for days, but I just got around to the electronics today.

I felt like I had routed a plenty-large passage for the electronics. Then I thought that with one exception, I had made enough room for the electronics in the other areas.

Not a chance. And the worst part was that I broke one of the "cardinal rule" and hoped for a miracle while jamming. That was entirely stupid and I broke off 2 of the little "tabs" from my 3-way switch. Now I need to either use the still-visible contacts (not the remainder of the snapped off part, but the contacts you can see on the underside of the switch itself... I'd need to take a photo to show what I mean).

Just another thing to add to my huge list of seemingly small setbacks that added up into reminding me why I respect the talented/intelligent builders around here.

A bit more intelligence and I would've realized that it makes no difference whatsoever if my control cavities are larger in certain places (SOME of the size limitations are due to the placement of the controls, but the thin (not "too" thin... the wires get through...) wiring channel should've been twice as wide and a bit deeper. My entire life would've been easier.

Tomorrow, I get to de-solder, decide whether or not to buy another switch, and solder'er up. Sounds like a 1-hour job, right? No way. I know myself and the way things go by now. This supposedly small project (the wiring) will take the entire afternoon, which I won't even be at liberty to use because my girlfriend will want some of my time, as will my dog... and possibly other people on the planet calling to nag and interrupt.


I'm sure I'll see the humour of it later, and I can ALREADY see the valuable lesson learned, so not a total waste. But I'm sure grumpy now! :D:D

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Tomorrow, I get to de-solder, decide whether or not to buy another switch, and solder'er up. Sounds like a 1-hour job, right? No way. I know myself and the way things go by now. This supposedly small project (the wiring) will take the entire afternoon, which I won't even be at liberty to use because my girlfriend will want some of my time, as will my dog... and possibly other people on the planet calling to nag and interrupt.

Everything about building takes me at least THREE TIMES LONGER to do than I think it should...some days I set down to a 'ten-minute project'...next thing I know it's four hours later, and I'm still not done...


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