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Happy B-day Verhoevenc And Brian D

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That's the PM the moron sent me.

Guy got himself into Georgetown University, so I'm thinking he's not much of a moron. Might not be a champion of diplomacy though, that's gonna make it tough for him in DC. :D

I will say this though, Verhoeven's been a pretty active and enthusiastic participant in the forum, and judging from the results of his (first!) guitar, he's got plenty to offer here.

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I tried to be nice and I at least sent him a PM containing apology for what I said and I also forgave him for what he said about me without him even asking me for forgivness and I agreed that he should be let off vacation early but this is all I got in return.

So I tried to be nice and all I got was a condecending PM. And Setch since I read your PM I agree that I shouldn't of called him an idiot in the post #4 but I think that it doesn't make it OK for Verhoevenc to call me scum. At least I tried to make amends and at least I tried to be nice and forgiving but I guess he just won't be as forgiving as I was.

Edited by PunkRockerLuke
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I tried to be nice and I at least sent him a PM containing apology for what I said and I also forgave him for what he said about me without him even asking me for forgivness and I agreed that he should be let off vacation early but this is all I got in return.

So I tried to be nice and all I got was a condecending PM. And Setch since I read your PM I agree that I shouldn't of called him an idiot in the post #4 but I think that it doesn't make it OK for Verhoevenc to call me scum. At least I tried to make amends and at least I tried to be nice and forgiving but I guess he just won't be as forgiving as I was.

I guess that I must not be welcome here.

Dude your welcome here just as he is.

You CANT get on with everyone, its just impossible with the so many varities of music n ideas on these boards. Its that very reason i LOVE posting on here!

just forget about whats happened n get on reading and posting, thats what PG is about. If you really cant deal with it just block him and carry on. :D

~~ TS ~~

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