It's been a long time since I've logged on or posted here, or done much in the way of instrument building (real life - what a PITA) but I wanted to draw members' attention to the current situation with Amy Hopkins, who is facing significant medical bills, following open heart surgery for a congenital heart defect.
Amy is a long time contributer and volunteer on the MIMF, a talented lutheir and instrument repairer, and a lovely human being, who has given freely of her own time, money and extensive skill set to help those in need. Right now she could really do with recouping a little of the positive karma she is owed.
Doubtless those users who are already MIMF members will have heard of this and given what they can afford to help Amy out, so apologies if this all old news to you, but if not, please consider giving as much or as little as you can afford to help Amy at a very difficult time. Every penny helps her focus on her health and recovery, instead of having to hustle to pay the bills.
Contributions can be made via Indiegogo, or directly to Clint Searcy's payal account ( if you want to avoid the Indiegogo comission.
Thanks in advance for anything you can give, and for taking the time to read this.