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My First Bandsaw


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So, OK, I don't actually own it in full yet, and I'll only pick it up in a month, and I'll probably need to put in a new motor (unless I can magick some three-phase power, be it 220v or 400v from the breaker box), but still, downpayment on a bandsaw! WOO! It's old (22 years or so), Italian (Cattini), solid (cast iron wheels, iron frame, solid throughout), great condition (no rust to speak of, all adjustments smooth, runs perfectly), good features (10" resaw capacity, 1" blad capacity, upper and lower guides). Now to actually get it, build the thickness sander, build the dust collection/cyclone, and it's proper shop time baby, yeah!

Gratuitous picture:


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Awesome...Looks to be in great shape for its age.

To be honest, it looks in even better shape in person. If it weren't for the nameplate with the production date on there, I would've pegged the saw as significantly newer. Heck, the owner thought it was 8-9 years old for a while, then noticed the plate.

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You can use a rotary phase convertor for single phase 220v versus replacing the motor, probably will cost the same either way.

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Rich: well, y'know, I'll be able to actually do more work, instead of slacking because I need to 'set up' workspace before doing anything at all!

John: I'm borrowing my Uncle's VW transporter, probably also make use of it to move all my lumber (60+sets of acoustic guitar timber, 70 fingerboards, 20 maple tops, and a bunch of large boards = kinda heavy). Don't think my bike can take the weight. With care, this thing should last me a good few more decades, if not a lifetime (we'll see).

Mammoth: I'm looking into one, mostly because 3-phase stuff is more efficient/wears less than single-phase stuff, but they're not terribly cheap. Found one for around the 300 mark, while second-hand single-phase motors are cheaper, if not that common in the power I need/want. Upside to a rotary converter: I can buy other machines that run on triple phase, which broadens my options considerable.

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