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Making Cavities And Wiring

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Could someone post pictures of routings of guitars for wiring pick ups

I want to move one of my jacks to another location, its a Jackson JSRR I want to make the jack go into the longer horn from the shorter horn

Also I want to see some pics of wiring routing for a gibson, ESP MII, Jackson RR1, Ibanez RG and whatever you can


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I'm confused; do you mean routes for pickups, or control cavities? Because pickup cavities are standard (pictures all over the damn place), and control cavities, as said, need to be big enough to hosue the controls you need, and have diddly effect on anything else. Only way sound/tone would be affected would be if you're taking so much wood out you're essentially making it into a semi-hollow. Other than that, all you need to do is connect the pickup cavities with the control cavities, so you can run wires. Drill bits do this quite well. If you're building a guitar with a glued-on top, you can just use a router and route connecting channels (Setch's LP tutorial undoubtedly has stuff on this) between pickup and control cavities.

If you want to mod an existing guitar, you risk messing the finish job, so be careful, pre-scribe the finish (ie, cut it with a hobby knife) along the edge to be routed to prevent chipout.

Edited by Mattia
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what does the routing for a Jackson RR1 look like because you have to wire the controls through the shorter wing to the longer wing?

when connecting the jack to the controls is what I meant

I find it hard to see where the wires would run throughout the body as I dont own any of the guitars I am trying to build

All I can go on is some pictures and that is it

Edited by wildchild247
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You're going to have to be more clear on what you're trying to do.

You're saying you want to modify an existing RR1? Aren't these guitars like $2,000?

Next, you're trying to move the jack into the upper horn? Isn't the jack there already? Why bother moving the jack?

If this is a guitar you're building, you can lay out the cables anyway that works for you. If this is an existing guitar, you'll have to do some serious butchery to it to make a mod like this. It's up to you how far you go.

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I wanna know how they wire it there

I'm still not getting you--- who is 'they' and where is 'there' ?

If you just want to know how your own guitar is wired, just unscrew everything, carefully lift things up, you'll get the idea quick enough. Then just screw things back down again.

Is it that you want to emulate the wiring layout of the RR1? --I don't know the guitar, but maybe there's some kind of fancy wiring thing going on, like push-pull pots or split switches and the like?

Sorry, I don't mean to seem like I'm dumping on you. Just that if you want an answer to your questions, you're going to have to make an effort and formulate them more clearly. What you're asking is just way too vague.

If I'm guessing correctly, you just want to make your guitar look like the high-priced RR by moving the jack?

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ok here it is

I have a JSRR(its a cheap RR1)and it has the jack located on the lower wing/horn

The RR1 has it on the upper wing/horn

It doesnt have any wood top so I am wondering how you would go about connecting the wires through the wood

I know that on a gibson Les Paul that there is a long route going from the pick-up selector, through each of the pick ups and the to the control cavity. I never knew that before.

In this case we have a solid body JSRR guitar with no tops and a wiring from the control cavity through to the upper or longer wing/horn

I doubt that you could drill a hole through the body sufficient enough to bypass the tremolo to get to the upper wing/horn fromthe control cavity situated on the lower wing/horn

And I also questioned how they do it on other guitars from curiosity

hope that was clear if not ask again


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Well, I think I got it now...

All right, in order to do this you're going to have to do some major surgery to the guitar. This may or may not be worth it to you, depends on how far you want to take it.

One way I can see would be to strip off the paint from the back of the guitar, route/plane/sand it flat so the bevels on the edges disappear. Route a canal for the wiring reaching into the upper horn (I believe some people use straws or tubes to make it easy to thread the wires through later). Glue a new cap on the back. Refinish the guitar.

Of course, you understand that this will put the guitar out of commission for a good while --at least a month after you refinish, and all the time it will take to get the work done. So I hope you have another guitar.

To be honest, for me, it wouldn't be worth the trouble, just to make the guitar looks like something it's not. But you're not me. Although if you're anything like me, you'll never be happy with the guitar, knowing that it's not really what you want.

Now, an easier and more fun way to achieve what you want would be to build your own body from scratch. You can get a nice piece of wood, a fancy flamed maple cap, use the existing guitar to make a template with, route and wire the guitar exactly the way YOU want it to be. Use the neck and all existing hardware--you'll be out the cost of wood and paint, really, and you may wind up with a far superior, custom made guitar. Something you'll be able to be proud of too.

No reason to decide now, have a look through this site (sounds like you've already started) you'll find everything you need to know about building guitars here, and plenty of people available to help you out.

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