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Cad Template Problem.

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Hey, I really could use someones help. I'm getting some custom built templates for a RR jackson but I have to send the CAD plans to the maker first. I found some on guitarbuild.com right on the from page from the download section titled "Jackson Kelly, Rhoads and Warrior in one file. Nearly 100% correct." but they are for AutoCad 2004 or higher and he has AutoCad 2000 or lower. So if someon with AutoCad 2004 or higher could save them for 2000 or lower I could get my templates made. Also if you could tell me if the plans are decent and if its a neck through or a bolt on. Thank you very much in advance you have all been very helpful.


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I don't have AutoCad (I'm using some freeware AutoCad file viewer) but those plans don't look very accurate to me. Judging by tremolo routing and pickups position, the Kelly body appears to be too small. The RR body also looks weird and the gap between the TOM bridge and metal plate for string through holes seems bigger than it should be. Perhaps it's just the program that I'm using that's displaying it incorrectly since it's not a real AutoCad. All guitars are neck-thru BTW.

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I don't have AutoCad (I'm using some freeware AutoCad file viewer) but those plans don't look very accurate to me. Judging by tremolo routing and pickups position, the Kelly body appears to be too small. The RR body also looks weird and the gap between the TOM bridge and metal plate for string through holes seems bigger than it should be. Perhaps it's just the program that I'm using that's displaying it incorrectly since it's not a real AutoCad. All guitars are neck-thru BTW.

Is it the free autocad file viewer thats on the site? And how do I view them, I know thats a stupid question but I can't seem to figure it out. I downloaded one of the free programs and can't figure out how to open any of them up or view anything :D

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No, I'm using another ACad file viewer. It should be the same for all. You download the .dwg file and open it in the program. Here's a screen shot of what it looks like: http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/2711/plan9zw.jpg

Notice how far back the tremolo routing is positioned compared to a real Kelly: http://home.planet.nl/~hoek8617/Diesel/gitaar/2.jpg

intonation is over-rated :D

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PM me your email address and your wish is my command. Although my PM wasn't working last check so maybe just post your address if you want.

EDIT - All done mate.

Hey thank you very much my email is sk8er_p8ntballer_boy31289@hotmail.com I know its long and embarrassing I made it years ago. Also thank you Rista for the screen prints, I'm not too worried about the intonation on the drawing because I'll be putting a floyd rose on mine anyways. Hopefully everything will work out and soon I'll be building my dream guitar :D

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I'm not too worried about the intonation on the drawing

The intonation on the drawing is correct. I used the bridge position just to illustrate how much the body shape is off compared to the original.

But, as long as you're happy with it, that's all that matters. Good luck :D

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