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Stew Mac Truss Rod Rescue Kit

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Just got the new stew mac catalog today. The back cover features this. While the idea sounds pretty neat, and I've tossed the neck for a guitar with a broken rod before, does anyone else find pictures like this from the tail end of the process less than ideal? I don't think I'd want to take any more wood out of the headstock/neck transition area on a traditional gibson headstock. The last guitar I saw with a broken trussrod was an old Thunderbird, the owner took it to me, and I promptly directed him to someone with much more expertise - in the end, the fretboard was removed, the rod replaced, a new ebony board put on, and the neck refinished. It cost the fellow a chunk of change but he likes the instrument even more now. Looking at the headstock to neck transition on that instrument, I can just imagine it crumbling if anything else was taken away…

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I just got my stew-mac catalog last week

i think this is a great tool and perfect for some aplications.

while it might not be the right tool for everyone.

if it could of worked on your buddy's guitar

think of the money he would have saved

not to mention it would still have its original parts

but i also have had a neck that this would not have worked on

i wish i had it the to at least try as its still cheaper than the replacment neck i bought

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I'm pretty sure if DAN ERLEWINE developed the thing, it's probably suitable for the task. Keep in mind, you're only taking away a little more wood than what is already taken away by the trussrod--and it's already wood under the nut that doesn't have much force on it anyway.

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i like the look of it alot, it could save a lot of guitars, but i cant quite see $229 worth of tools. Although if you are doing this regularly or trying to save a guitar thats worth the expenditure then its small change i suppose.

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