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Custom 7-string Neck Question

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i'm thinking of building a 7-string based on this guitar i currently own:


i'm thinking of making some changes though....probably a white headstock, ebony board, bound neck, 24 frets, and obviously a 7-string....one of my favorite things about this guitar is the neck shape, and i was wondering if anyone's ever had any experience with getting a custom 7-string neck made, based on the profile of an existing 6-string neck. i'm curious if it'd still be comfortable, and if it'd feel close to the original. i'm also wondering what's the best way to go about doing that....where can i get it done, etc.?

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I've got a custom 7 string neck listed on Ebay if you want to see how one might look.

Herer's the link

Since it sounds like you might be using a FR bridge it might not be of any use to you, however it should still be a good reference. Anyone who makes custom necks should be able to hit all or most of your requirements.


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The 7 string will feel wider, and maybe 'bigger' simply because it is. However, it may still feel similar. Mostly it depends on who makes the neck. Many companies use CNC to shape them so it could be very close if they have the profile already programmed. Other's (like myself) build them by hand and can get them pretty close usually. You might have to alter the final back shape to your liking.

Warmoth has a bunch of neck profiles shown on their website and one of them my resemble what you now have.

It's likely that the builder would need your current neck as a reference, unless they are already familiar with what the profile is like. That specific question would have to be asked to the company you choose to make the neck. Everyone does things different, so I don't think there is a magic answer.


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ok so now the question becomes, who can do this for a reasonable price?

i'm thinking 24 stainless steel frets, bound ebony board and headstock (maple neck), angled headstock made to a custom shape with a volute behind the nut, a top-mounted floyd style locking nut (possibly placed for Feiten system), and made to fit an Ibanez AANJ-style bolt on neck joint.

Edited by WarriorOfMetal
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ok so now the question becomes, who can do this for a reasonable price?

Here we go again!!! :D


Why don't you pick up some wood and give it a go yourself.

i've never built a guitar before and the neck is one of the most important things to me when it comes to my guitars.....i'm not sure i'd trust myself to get it right on my first one.

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i spoke to my tech/luthier friend about this idea, he agrees with me that for some of the things i want, the work would be better left to someone else.

also, i did some measuring today, the Charvel's neck is about 3/4" thick, and an Ibanez Wizard neck is 5/8"....i'm not sure if i'm gonna need to get a super-shallow channel for the truss rod with a neck about the thickness of the Charvel's or not....anyone have any thoughts on that?

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