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Urgent Help Needed!

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Well as the name suggests I just put in new Dimarzio 7's into my RG 1527, and I have some problems.

I used this diagram: http://www.ibanez.com/wiring/diagrams/2005/RGA321.pdf ,

as my Ibanez has a 5 way switch and a volume and tone pots.

Well, I plugged it in half tuned, and the x2n in the bridge works, with a very large amount of feedback, and the Paf in the neck also works, but the feedback is just extreme.

Have I dont anything wrong here? Should I go back and solder everything much cleaner? It's not the best job :D.

Maybe the wiring diagram I used isn't good for my set up? But I fail to see how it isnt, everything works, its just that there is an extreme amount of feedback.

EDIT: Another thing I shoulf mention is that the bridge grounding is soldered to the Tone pot, it came like this, even though the 1527's diagrams also show the grounding soldered to the volume, but I just left it how it was... maybe that's the problem???

Knowledgable ones, help out a rookie with advice on what I have done wrong / what I should do to correct it.



Edited by 7stringtechdeath
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There is nothing wiring wise I can think of that will cause feedback with passive guitar wiring. The bridge ground coming off the tone pot wouldn't cause your problem - you may get noise if the tone pot isn't grounded to the volume control as the wiring diagram shows, but not feedback.

I'd take a look at the pickup mounting. If they seem loose, that could contribute to getting feedback at lower than usual gains/volume.

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First of all, turn down the amp (about half your current volume), or leave the room with the guitar - if the "feedback" doesn't stop completely, it's not feedback, and probably is a shielding/grounding problem. If it does, check the pickup mounting like Joe said - it's extremely unlikely that either of those pickups is microphonic, so it's quite likely that your mounting job has left them free to wave in the wind, and caused the feedback. Stiffer springs or surgical tubing will often solve the problem.

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